MMA Germany Roundup: In-app advertising playbook, showing why people uninstall apps and knowing your data diet requirements

MMA Germany
MMA Germany
Published in
7 min readJul 10, 2018

Best-practices playbook shows how to get the best results from your in-app advertising strategies

Apps now dominate the mobile landscape, capturing 89% of consumers’ smartphone time and 25% of their total media usage. But the in-app environment isn’t just the place to find consumers; it also offers sophisticated data tracking, targeting, and geo-location superior to other digital advertising formats. To guide advertisers through the development of the in-app advertising landscape, its unique advantages and how to achieve in-app advertising success, Smaato has released the In-App Advertising Playbook. Use this valuable resource, packed with practical advice and best practices to leverage in-app’s advanced technical capabilities to reach specific audiences and maximize mobile results.

New data on why people are uninstalling mobile apps

The app marketing space is a fiercely competitive space Yahoo has called a “dog-eat-dog-world.” It’s hard to acquire users, and it’s even harder to retain them. As AppsFlyer points out: “With too many competitors to count, and increasingly high user expectations, an app that does not deliver on all fronts, and fast, simply won’t be used. Even worse, it will be uninstalled.” To help app marketers understand how many users uninstall apps and allow them to compare their app to the competition, AppsFlyer has published app install benchmarks. The detailed post breaks down data by category and country (Germany included) and reveals an uninstall rate curve showing when users uninstall an app after downloading it. Be sure to check it out and mark your calendar for AppsFlyer’s upcoming MOMA (Mobile Attribution & Marketing Analytics) event coming to London on July 4. You can find out more detail about this insightful app marketing forum and its lineup of speakers here.

Google releases *NEW* Mobile Speed Leaderboards- how does your site stack up?

Google’s Mobile Speed Leaderboards set the bar for new industries — and many companies made it to the Winner’s Circle. But don’t break out the champagne to celebrate just yet. It seems there is still lots of work to be done as only 10 of 290 websites meet user expectations for a mobile loading speed of three seconds. In the next phase of their cooperation to develop a benchmark for mobile loading times for sites in a range of industries, the MMA Germany and Google have updated and published the latest rankings, which compare the mobile speed of websites from 14 different industries, categorized into 29 sub-verticals. Among the winners: (Retail), (Travel), (Finance) and (Automotive). Finance and Automotive are among the industries examined and included in the leaderboards for the first time.

MyTona stops ad fraud and rockets user acquisition

Gaming apps wrote the book on perfect performance marketing. They harness data to meet ambitious targets and they architect comprehensive strategies to battle ad fraud — because they must. An examination of the distribution of ad fraud among all the verticals Adjust measures shows Games accounts for a third of all fraud blocked on its platform. While MyTona was successful in increasing the number of paid app installs, it also witnessed a rise in ad fraud. This useful and practical case study recalls the strategy and steps MyTona followed to achieve impressive results including a reduction in ad fraud rates on multi-country from 4% to less than 1% and a 10% increase in ROAS.

Learning to be a love brand from Merck Consumer Health

You might recall that Beate Rosenthal, speaker, change agent and Global Brand Director Digital & Media at Merck Consumer Health, spoke at our Hamburg event about the steps and strategies marketers can follow to become a love brand. The talk had a massive impact on all of us present, and this month she takes her lessons and learning to a broader audience as a guest on the Mobile Presence podcast. The show is part of the iHeart Radio network that counts 1 million monthly downloads of its podcasts. Beate draws from her personal journey in digital marketing and recalls the campaigns and efforts that allowed Merck Consumer Health — a division of the German chemical and pharmaceutical company Merck that offers a wide range of over-the-counter products to consumers in more than 40 countries — to build a global and loyal audience for a range of iconic healthcare brands. She also provides valuable advice about how even smaller brands can increase their presence, impact, and share of voice by committing to causes that drive customer connection and respect.

The Data Diet — You really are what you eat

Ted Smith, VP Sales at adsquare, takes us on a journey through time, starting with the fall of processed food empire and bringing us to the hottest topic in programmatic advertising today: data quality. Importantly, data quality is dependent on one key ingredient. This is transparency. Read this excellent opinion piece exclusively on the adsquare thought leadership blog.

Congratulations to Smaato — Winners of the Digital Champions Award!

The Digital Champions Award recognizes companies that are champions in their field and in their region and resolved to advance digitization in their regional economy. The award in the Digital Products and Services category went to Smaato, a real-time advertising platform for mobile publishers and app developers. A global player with its 250 employees, with offices in San Francisco, Hamburg, New York, Shanghai and Singapore, Smaato has completely digitized the way of buying and selling advertising: from the request for quotation via the price negotiation to delivery, just 150 milliseconds pass. Smaato founder Kruse sees digitization as a huge opportunity for SMEs and told the press: “Through the worldwide automatic and standardized delivery of advertising, everyone has access to world markets. This has advantages for both ad space providers and advertisers.” Well done, everyone!

OMR Podcast

MMA Germany connects with the country’s top media outlets to provide you news and views about the cool people, companies, and tech pushing the envelope. In this edition of the OMR Podcast, the focus is on commerce in an interview with Wolfgang Kirsch, COO of Mediamarkt-Saturn, Germanys biggest tech retailer. Kassenzone brings you a wild discussion with compelling content and provocative viewpoints.

Hot News & Views You Need to Know

  • All the German market smartphone stats and facts you need for your presentations and pitches in one place. The Germany Mobile Market 2018–2022 report has been added to the list of reports available via (Press Release)
  • German carmaker Porsche races ahead in its effort to expand its own charging infrastructure for electric cars ahead of the launch of the Taycan model car. (via Electek)
  • Concerns over data safety and security have prompted German automotive supplier Continental AG to ban its workers from using the messenger services WhatsApp and Snapchat on company phones. (via CNBC)
  • Uber has plans to roll out its on-demand electric bike service to Europe, starting with Germany, as it looks to provide more environmentally-friendly alternatives to its ride-hailing service. (via Mobile Marketing)
  • AI is a hot topic and here is the list of Germany’s hottest AI startups complete with a rundown of their total funding to date. (via Nanalyze)
  • Germany continues to lag after other markets for mobile travel bookings. A new report finds the German online travel market will continue to be less mobile-focused than other major travel markets for the foreseeable future. (via Hospitality Net)

Events Radar

21–25.08.2018, Cologne, gamecon2018
05–06.09.2018, Berlin, Mobile Growth Summit Europe 2018
06.09.2018, Berlin, Mobilisten Talk
11–13.09.2018, Köln, dmexco
20–21.09.2018, Hamburg, NEXT Conference
07.11.2018, Berlin, ATS Berlin
15.11.2018, Berlin, Mobilisten Talk
20–22.11.18, Berlin, Smart Country Convention

(If you have an event, then let us know and we’ll add it to the list. Also check out our Medium blog for details on each event, highlighting the great speakers and panels you won’t want to miss!)



MMA Germany
MMA Germany

MMA's German Local Council strives to stimulate the growth of marketing and its associated technologies in the country.