Changelog 0.7.5–06.28.2018

Published in
3 min readJun 28, 2018

Hey Everyone,

In the last episode of the Mobalytics Changelog, we upgraded the usability of our GPI and advice system, and reworked our Toughness and Teamplay Skills into Survivability and Objectives.

In patch 0.7.5, we’re continuing our trend of improving our UI and bringing some new features to our Pre Game. As always, here’s our Warchief of Science with our Dev Update on the new changes:

If you’re more of a reader than a video watcher, stick around for the rest of our Changelog below.

Updates to Pre Game

The Pre Game is one of the most used parts of our platform so we want to make sure it continues to evolve and improve over time.

Since loading screens tend to be pretty fast, we wanted to improve the speed at which you see information as well as the clarity of what’s presented. Right away, you should notice that you can quickly scroll up and down between features instead of having to click through separate buttons.

We’ve also changed our playstyle badge icons into text descriptions (you can still hover for more details) and made it easier to see rank, games played, and win rate.

By the way, did you know that you can click on any rune in the Pre Game for more details? It’s been in the platform for a while and we’ve realized a lot of people don’t know.

Here are the other major Pre Game changes:

Power Spikes

  • This feature aims to help you understand when a champion or team comp will be at their best. We use a simple stoplight system which uses green (strong), yellow (moderate), and red (weak), to indicate a power spike.
  • A strong laning champion like Blitzcrank will have a green early game but a red late game while a hyper carry like Twitch will have the opposite pattern.
  • We recommend using this feature to better understand your plan of attack for the match. Are you against a strong late game champ with an passive early game? Look to snowball early!

AP/AD Ratio Indicator

  • This ratio will help you understand how the the two teams will output damage based on their champion kit ratios and their projected build path.
  • If you’re against a team that’s heavily AD, heavily AP, or mixed, you’ll be able to quickly identify that and plan the potential defensive aspects of your build.

New Community Trello Board

We’ve created a new public Trello board (similar to some you may be familiar with) where we’ll be listing all the known issues within our platform as well as the status of their fixes. We’ll have an infrastructure where you’ll be able to easily report bugs and other problems. We may even eventually have some bounties for finding some…

The board will also be used as a sort of hub where you can access everything from our blog to our FAQ to our Youtube channel.

What we’re working on next

  • The reworks to Consistency and Versatility are still in the works, we can’t share anything yet but we’re very excited for the new scores.
  • We’re going to continue working on increasing clarity and decreasing confusion in our GPI and platform so please let us know if anything doesn’t make sense and could be better.




Personal performance analytics and improvement tools for competitive #MOBA gamers.