Changelog v.005–12.04.2017

Published in
6 min readDec 4, 2017


Hey everyone!

In our last post we gave a preview of our plans for the Preseason. This Changelog will cover the specifics of the upgrades that we’re excited to implement in our next update. First off, the Aggression rework that has been in the works for quite some time is VERY CLOSE but isn’t going live yet due to some backed infrastructure steps we are taking to make our percentiles more accurate.

However, we really want to give you a good look at what we’ve managed to do, and we hope to release Aggression really soon after this update. There are also a few changes to our Pre Game and Post Game and as always, we’ll be giving a peek at what’s to come.

Pre Game

New Runes
The Preseason patch made a lot of our badges unusable so we had to make adjustments to accommodate the new ones. On the plus side, you will now be able to access the entire rune pages of everyone in the match before it begins!

You can never have too much intel!

Over the course of the Preseason, we will be adding new badges and better ways to present rune information. We are very excited about this, so look out for them! Also, let us know what else you want to see and we will think of ways to make it happen.

Ever wish that you could give your teammates a look at your Pre Game intel? Well now you can. We’ve added a simple link to bring your allies to the same page. They will see exactly what you see, and maybe you won’t have to worry about them wandering off on their own instead of joining the team.

Post Game

We really didn’t like the way the Post Game was presented before - it was a bit misleading because Consistency and Versatility were impossible to evaluate within one game. After struggling to figure out how to display this in an intuitive way, we finally settled on the bar graphs you see now in the layout presented.

In our minds, this does a few things:

  • Makes direct comparison of specific skills easier.
  • Allows you just to focus on the ones that are important on a per game basis.
  • Allows you to directly compare to your lane opponent, including the ability to deep dive into why you were worse or better at a specific skill.

Things we are keeping an eye on:

  • Values in the specific metrics: We are in beta and testing, and some of the more extreme values tend to break the standards we have set. After a while, we will be able to fix these issues and give more realistic single game standards.
  • Advice: We removed the advice that we had because it was just too general and didn’t feel like it fit. We will be looking at adding new ways to give more targeted match specific advice.
  • Reflections: We want to encourage players to sit down and think about their game and why they won or lost, but basically what they could have done better. Sometimes the question we pose does this, but sometimes it doesn’t. We will be listening and watching and fixing it as time marches on.

Jungle Pathing

Jungle Pathing is a wild new Pre Game feature we couldn’t wait to get into your hands. In a nutshell, it will help indicate what the most likely gank routes are and how you can anticipate that. Can we really do that you ask? Yes we can!

Pretty OP right?

It looks at things like crowd control/mobility options from champion kits, power spikes, and kill potential in order to make projections for where the action is most likely to happen. Green means you have a high chance of a successful gank, red means it’ll be tough, and yellow means you have a decent shot but not guaranteed.

Overwolf Desktop App

It’s about time

One of our most common requests during our Closed Beta was for a desktop app. We’re excited to announce that Mobalytics has finally hit the Overwolf app store. Now you can use our platform outside of your browser to really dive into your Ranked climb! It will even auto-load your games for you…

Coming Soon (™)

If you’re a part of our Discord community, you know how often we say things are “coming soon”. Well here are some things that are actually right around the corner.


Overall, Aggression was just too swingy in comparison to our original intention. We wanted something that helped measure how often a player took initiative — how much opportunities they created rather than being reactive. Instead, our current scores tend to put our players in a “feast or famine” type of state in which only a few players per game can have First Blood or Turret counted towards their score. Also, some metrics were pigeonholing aggression into a specific champ type and play style, so we are making some changes to move away from that.

Here’s what we’re doing to make things better:

What’s in

  • Kill Participation: Your Kill Participation is a great way to understand how often you are involved in ganks and fights across the map, and is a pretty good indicator of how much plays you try and make.
  • Snowballing: We replaced our old zoning score with this, and want to represent how well a player can take a small starting lead and snowball that into a bigger lead.
  • Initiative: We changed the way this works to move away from first blood and first turret, but instead to look at YOUR first blood and first turret and how proactive you are.
  • Forward Kills: We added this completely new metric to measure how often you get kills in enemy territory. Tower diving and forward kills are a big part of what makes a player aggressive.

What’s Out

  • Damage: We reached the conclusion that damage was better placed in Fighting since it didn’t characterize the opportunities you created for yourself. Instead, it measured what you did in those opportunities.
  • Zoning: Zoning was a misleading stat to a lot of our users. We were quantifying how often you managed to deny an opponent’s resources when in the lead. We reworked the stat to make it better, and renamed it “Snowballing” so people wouldn’t mistake it for actual positional zoning. Although positional zoning may be a by-product of good snowballing, it is not directly what we are measuring.
  • Pressure: Pressure was just too vague. We wanted to represent how much you affected the map, but we believe the current components represent this much better instead of some bastard child of all of them.

What’s Staying

  • Ganking
  • Solo Play

Role Specific Exclusions

We really want to focus on moving the GPI to be role specific, and making sure that no roles see irrelevant information. So if a score isn’t relevant to a certain position, we will be looking to exclude it. Here are some specific Aggression scores that will be left out for particular roles…

  • ADC: Will NOT have Ganking. Although some ADC’s DO gank (Exhibit A: Twitch and the most annoying sound known to the Rift), most of the time the ADC sits in lane and farms till the laning phase is over.
  • Support: Will NOT have Solo Play. Unless you’re a fed Brand or Zyra, most of the time you won’t be looking to take duels as a Support. However we want to enable those players later to see these stats, and will keep an eye on this to make sure that it’s not too limiting to that player base.


The Fighting release is hot on the heels of our Aggression release. These features take time to get right and we make sure we really give value and accuracy with our reworks. Even then, it’s hard to account for all the behavior that might occur. With the new fighting we wanted to focus on the types of fights you take and how well you do in them.




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