iOS Developer Resources: Podcasts

Kinda like reading, for lazy people

Mobile Growth
Published in
4 min readJan 11, 2016


I’m not sure about the rest of the world and the types of breaks they take over the holiday season into the new year, but I’d assume by now most people would soon begin return from their holidays. So with work, usually comes some type of commute, and with commuting comes podcasts (naturally). So I’ve compiled a list of iOS/Apple related podcasts that I listen to regularly for your audible pleasure.

If I’ve missed anything, please feel free to leave some more suggestions in the comments section.

The Talk Show

To be honest I only ever listened to my first episode last week, which was the one with Craig Federighi (aka Hairforce One). It was an amazing interview, and so cool to hear Federighi geek out over programming and Swift. The Talk Show is definitely popular amongst the Apple crowd. So I felt it was appropriate to leave it in this post.


This is one of the better ones for iOS Development and Apple related podcasts. I was introduced to it by my good friend @MattComi, he was featured in a two-part episode about his game, Space Age. There are also episodes with a regular guest @DonMelton, who was the director of the Internet Technologies at Apple. During his time there he even started the Safari and WebKit projects. I really enjoy episodes where he guests because he gives listeners little tidbits of the inside information of working at Apple.

Mobile Couch

So I have a bit of bias here because these guys are also from Australia. But the podcast is actually one of my favourite ones, just because the chemistry between the two creates an excellent back-and-forth, and the topics are always interesting, and the guys break things down really well when talking about development. Highly recommend this one.


At first I really enjoyed iPhreaks, but after a few episodes I realised that neither of them are actually iOS developers, which kinda ruined it for me. But, I will say, they do have a lot of interesting guests on the show, such as Felix Krause from Fastlane tools, and for that fact, it makes it onto this list.

Build Phase

Unfortunately this is another podcast that I havent had the chance of listening to just yet, but the episodes do look interesting. Will most likely start this one in the new year.


I was recommended this one by some other iOS people at a recent Melbourne Cocoaheads meet up. Although I haven’t gotten around to listening to many of the episodes, a quick browse through their feed list does look very enticing.

Developer’s Perspective

I only found out just recently that this was discontinued so the producer could start a new show called “Under the Radar”. However, I really enjoyed his 15-minute thoughts on several different topics relating to iOS development.

Under The Radar

Stretching from 15 minutes to 30, Under The Radar is a great continuation on from Developer’s Perspective. Hosted by two well known indie devs, they provide great insight on various topics related to development, a lot of which has not much to do with code. Love this one.

This Developers Life

This podcast isn’t like the rest of the ones I have mentioned above, instead it focuses stories of what being a developer can actually be, and presents those stories in a Radiolab-like fashion. Unfortunately the show’s episodes have become fewer and far between, my assumption would be because one of the co-hosts received some very distressing information relating to his personal life, which is covered in one of the episodes. But you should definitely still get these episodes and listen to them in chronological order, in my opinion, the topics are timeless and most developers will be able to relate in one way or another.

Recommendations from readers

Accidental Tech Podcast

A tech podcast we accidentally created while trying to do a car show. Featuring Marco Arment, Casey Liss, and John Siracusa.

Shared Instance

A podcast about iOS Development from three iOS Developers based in Cincinnati, OH.

Core Intuition

A podcast about indie software development for the Mac, iOS and other Apple technologies.

Release Notes

Release Notes is a weekly podcast about the business of Mac and iOS indie software development. We discuss inspiration, design, trends, and tools — everything but the code.

This post was part of my iOS Developer Resources series. You should totes check out the other articles, yo!

iOS Developer Resources: Newsletters and Mailing Lists

iOS Developer Resources: Videos

If you like what you’ve read today you can check our my other articles or want to get in touch, please send me a tweet or follow me on Twitter, it really makes my day. I also organise Playgrounds Conference in Melbourne, Australia and would to see you at the next event.



Mobile Growth

iOS Engineer at Twitter (prev. Meta) from Perth, Western Australia. Technical blogger and speaker. Organiser of Playgrounds Conference.