02. Hard Coding Issues — Part 1

Mobile Penetration Testing
2 min readMar 18, 2019

The second task in DIVA tries to teach hard coding sensitive data is very dangerous. Because attackers can reverse engineer the applications and get hardly coded data and use them in attack vectors.

At first glance, hard coding task asks for vendor password but there is no way to get the password in a logical way.

Vendor Password Required

If you write anything in the text box, the app will give you an error that says password is incorrect.

So, lets reverse engineer the application with JADX to see what happens in the corresponding class (jakhar.aseem.diva.HardCodeActivity).

Jadx — diva.apk

You can infer password in code: vendorsecretkey

Lets Test it to see what happens:

Final Result

How To Secure

There is no technical way to prevent this threat. Developers should prevent from leaking data in the source code.

Final words

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