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Takeaways from ‘Testing without Testers1

Alan page gave a talk at quardev on May 11th titled Testing without Testers. Its a very provocative title for a few reasons

  1. Quardev is a staffing company that has posted that it is looking to hire SDET’s

Recap of sessions mobileiotcon 2016–2

This post is a follow up for my earlier recap which talked about logistics and keynotes. In this post I’d like go in depth for the concurrent sessions that I attended

Ubers app testing

Am I a context driven tester?

This morning I was listening to testing bias podcast on schools of testing and I started wondering what kind of a tester I am and what kind of testing I am doing in my current projects. The five languages/tribes/schools that @andytinkham talks about are here

Recap of the mobiledevtest conference

There are test conferences, there are mobile conferences and of course there are many technology or software conferences but this is the first conference that has a primary focus on mobile testing and some development.