MobilizeAmerica acquires Grove AI!

Allen Kramer
Published in
2 min readMar 26, 2018


Alfred and I are excited to announce that MobilizeAmerica has acquired Grove AI’s cutting edge chatbot platform.

What is Grove AI? Grove AI is a platform that allows campaigns and progressive organizations to use Facebook Messenger to engage supporters via automated chat and one-to-one conversations. This powerful tool can be used for volunteer recruitment, fundraising and advocacy. Check out a demo here.

Why are we so excited about this acquisition?

  • We have a shared vision to provide best-in-class digital organizing technology to campaigns and progressive organizations
  • Grove AI complements our core events platform and volunteer marketplace by allowing us to offer our partners an incredible outreach and supporter engagement tool
  • This gives an overnight toehold in Facebook, chatbots, and outreach tools. The trend towards organizing online — especially mobile, in 1:1 conversations, and on social platforms like Facebook — is powerful. Grove AI’s platform is a great way for our partners to reach and mobilize new audiences
  • We’re excited to generate a case study for bringing aligned products & teams together. Thoughtful M&A promotes an innovative ecosystem for progressive technology
  • The acquisition adds incredible talent to our team. Grove Founder and CEO, Vishal Disawar, has joined our team as a Product Manager. By shipping the Grove AI platform, Vishal has demonstrated incredible grit and insight in digital organizing. As a former digital organizer on Hillary Clinton’s campaign and a DACA recipient, his motivation to change the system runs deep

What else is new at MobilizeAmerica?

  • Growing our team. In the last few months, we’ve added some incredible new team members, including 3 new world-class engineers. Our team will reach 10 people by May
  • Proving the model: We worked with the Conor Lamb campaign and nearly 100 national and grassroots partners to drive 4,000+ volunteer shifts in fewer than 3 weeks. For more on the impact of this work, please see (and share) this blog post we published today!
  • Building the marketplace: In 2018, we’ll work with an incredible set of coordinated campaigns, state parties, national committees, candidates and progressive organizations. We’ll have some big announcements soon!
  • Raising capital to grow and scale: We’ve closed our pre-seed round and are quickly filling our seed round. This new capital will enable us to make critical hires, scale to hundreds of campaigns and reach millions of activists through our partner network

Thank you to all of our friends, advisors, investors, and Higher Ground Labs. We would never have reached this point without your advice, belief and support. The impact and business traction we’ve achieved to date — and will achieve in the future — is due to you.

-Allen & Alfred

