Mobius Updates and Launching Our Global Headquarters

David Gobaud
Mobius Network
Published in
3 min readOct 17, 2017


Greetings from the Cayman Islands!

Mobius co-founders David Gobaud and Cyrus Khajvandi moved to the Cayman Islands!

Over the past two months we worked tirelessly developing the Mobius Network, expanding our team and product, and establishing our global headquarters in the Cayman Islands. Our team is now distributed all over the world with team members based in Peru, Ukraine, Portugal, India, Dubai, Georgia, Russia, and the Cayman Islands.

Mobius Team Locations

Smart Market

In late August we announced that Monis Rahman, a Stanford PhD student in Machine Learning, left the program to join Mobius as our Head Research Scientist of Mathematical Implementation and Protocol Design. Monis has been developing the blockchain algorithms that power our decentralized auction-based data Smart Market that will enable autonomous machine to machine micropayments and interactions. Details about our patent pending Smart Market technology is in our White Paper.

We also made initial contact with Michael Dowling, IBM’s Director & Chief Architect at IBM Research — Blockchain and Crypto on Twitter and are working on setting up a meeting to discuss integrating IBM data into the Mobius Smart Market (IBM just announced it is using Stellar’s lumens in cross-boarder payments).

Mobius talking to IBM about possibly integrating IBM data into the Mobius Smart Market

Mobius Universal Blockchain Protocol API

Our software team has been busy developing the Mobius Universal Blockchain Protocol API and recently launched a Node SDK and Stellar token support! Earlier this week Mobius community member ZuluCrypto launched a PHP SDK (and earned 25,000 MOBI!) making it easy for any PHP developer to connect to the blockchain ecosystem and start working with any ERC20 or Stellar token!

Mobius DApp Store

The Mobius DApp Store has also seen many new developers signup and so far launch five new DApps! We announced the first DApp Store Hack-A-Thon and will be announcing the winner this week.

Business Developments

On the business side, we worked tirelessly researching the best jurisdiction to establish our global headquarters given the decentralized and distributed nature of our team. After immense research, talking to countless elite law firms and Big 4 accounting firms, and analyzing multiple jurisdictions including the United States, Singapore, Gibraltar, and Switzerland, we decided the Cayman Islands provides the best base from which to build a lasting distributed blockchain company with a global footprint and reach.

To setup Mochi, Inc. our Cayman Islands headquarters we retained Deloitte, Paul Hastings, and Conyers Dill to ensure all legal and regulatory requirements are met and that we have a solid base to build a big global business. We also recruited Cayman citizen and resident Brad Cowdroy, who has over 17 years of experience in the financial services industry, to serve as an Independent Director of Mochi.

Mochi, Inc. Directors Cyrus Khajvandi, David Gobaud, and Brad Cowdroy on 10/10/17 after the first Board meeting in Grand Cayman at the offices of Conyers Dill.

Token Sale and Money Services Business

For our token sale we are registering as a Money Services Business and will conduct KYC/AML checks and source of funds verification on all MOBI buyers. To accomplish this we retained AML Experts’ Connie Fenchel, a former Deputy Director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, to create our compliance program and partnered with IdentityMind to carry out the checks.

PS: Congratulations you made it to the bottom — as a reward you have discovered the first step to joining the MOBI sale White List: register here on our pre-public sale page. Full token sale details coming soon :)

