How A Global Pandemic Brought My Child Into Focus

Caitlin Cartwright
Modern Parent
Published in
5 min readMay 7, 2021


When it comes to our kids, is there really only one “right” way?

Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

This post is an entry in Modern Parent’s “Am I Doing This Right?” writing contest.

“Am I doing this right?” My 11-year-old daughter frequently asks me this question. I try to reassure her… remind her that, oftentimes, there really isn’t a right or a wrong. You can’t do art “wrong.” You can’t pick the “wrong” t-shirt to wear. You can’t order the “wrong” dessert.

Sometimes, I feel a pinch of frustration when she poses this question to me. Why does she feel this lack of confidence when it comes to making decisions for herself? Why must she examine each situation as if there is only one correct solution?

But mostly, my irritation stems from something far simpler.

My daughter’s deep-seated indecision and insecurity remind me of me.

I’ve spent a lot of my life overanalyzing and overthinking. Constantly looking to my left and looking to my right, seeking validation for my choices. Looking to the outside world to answer my own “Am I doing this right?”



Caitlin Cartwright
Modern Parent

Mom. Wife. Recruiter. Aspiring writer. Learning to make sense of the frequent “I didn’t expect that” parts of my life.