Editors’ Picks: Top Articles in Modern Women for August

The pieces that stood out from an incredible month of Modern Women publishing

Brenda Covarrubias
Modern Women
3 min readSep 4, 2023


Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

What can happen in a month? Apparently, a lot!

In August, we asked our writers to tell us about their dreams — and oh, did they deliver! From love stories that never came to fruition to heartbreaking tales of lost opportunities and experiences never thought possible, our writers shared some of their most personal details about their lives.

We were reminded time and time again why Modern Women exists: to be an outlet for women to share their stories and find connection.

While we cannot showcase every writer, we appreciate every submission and story shared.

In honor of that, we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate some of the stories that captivated our hearts and minds. Without further ado, here are a few of our favorites from the month of August, hand-picked by your friendly editors at Modern Women.

Brenda Covarrubias’ Top Pick for August is… “I Never Kissed the Man I Was Probably Meant to Marry,” by S.M. Whiddon.

We all know the story: A person, getting by from day-to-day, looks up in time to see the love of their life standing in the doorway. Their heart stops. They gasp. And in their mind, they think, “I’m going to marry that one.” But what happens when the dream meets reality? How do you move on knowing that your greatest love is in love with someone else? This is what S.M. Whiddon discusses in her deeply personal and moving tale of love, growth and personal acceptance.

ADEOLA SHEEHY-ADEKALE’s Top Pick for August is… “I Owe You An Apology for My Body” by Melissa Marietta.

I love Melissa’s writing. She allows herself to be vulnerable and truly open not only to her experience but how those experiences reflect those of women at large. She puts words to sensations we have all felt and in doing so reminds us we are not alone. This piece was a joy to nominate and is a perfect example of great writing. In it Melissa explores the way our gaze twists when we turn in on ourselves, the way we talk to ourselves and how that impacts daily life. It is an inspiring read.

Nicole Dake’s top pick for August is “Philosophy academia is still a boys club” by Cristina Somcutean.

This piece really spoke to me about how women still don’t have full equality with men in the workforce, even in 2023. Christina uses some great statistics to support her points, as well as her personal experience and those of fellow women getting their PhD. This is an eye-opening account of what it is like for a women in academia.

If you’d like to write for Modern Women please take the time to read our submission guidelines here…

And if you’re itching to write but need some inspiration, you can find our monthly prompts at the top of our home page.



Brenda Covarrubias
Modern Women

Brenda Covarrubias is a freelance writer and editor. Her writing focuses on people, communities and the situations that drive them. https://linktr.ee/brendacova