Editors’ Picks: Top Articles in Modern Women for November

The pieces that stood out from an incredible month of Modern Women publishing

Brenda Covarrubias
Modern Women
3 min readDec 1, 2023


Photo by Microsoft 365 on Unsplash

Womanhood, like any identity, is diverse and full of experiences that are shaped by history, culture and community.

Last month, our writers shared some of the labels that they said helped or hindered them, whether that was the trope of the “angry woman” or the moniker of “mother.”

But for the month of November, we were challenged to be even more open in questioning not how others see us, but how we see ourselves.

This month’s writing prompt, “Limiting Beliefs,” allowed writers to dig deeper into their personal lives to explain how incorrect assumptions and adopted mentalities affected them.

Between stories of menstruation that carried shame, to discussions on how finances shape our self-image, our writers helped to demonstrate how harmful limiting beliefs can be, and why it is important to make vigilant changes for the better.

While we cannot showcase every writer, we appreciate every submission and story shared.

In honor of that, we would like to take this opportunity to celebrate some of the stories that captivated our hearts and minds. Without further ado, here are a few of our favorites from the month of November, hand-picked by your friendly editors at Modern Women.

Brenda Covarrubias’ Top Pick for November is… “I Taught My Kids To Argue With Me,” by Future Philanthropic.

There is a compelling quote about parenthood that more people need to hear: “You aren’t raising children; you’re raising future adults.”

Future Philanthropic demonstrates this idea perfectly by presenting the controversial idea that children can and should argue with their parents, but what parents consider arguing is often nothing more than simple questions. Her writing promises to be an engaging read for anyone who grew up in a house where “because I said so” was a daily motto.

ADEOLA SHEEHY-ADEKALE’ Top Pick for November is… “Can I Identify As a Mother” by Nerdishwrites.

I found this to be a fascinating question. The way we describe the action of motherhood and the struggles we ascribe to it… are they about motherhood or what it means to be a woman caring for others in the modern world? I haven’t come to a definite answer if motherhood is something you can identify as but I do think there is an important question being raised in this article that we should have a wider conversation about.

Nicole Dake’s Top Pick for November is… “Supposed to Be” by The Mad Poetess.

This poem resonated so deeply with me, because it tackles all of the labels that we are ‘supposed’ to wear and all of the things we are ‘supposed’ to do as women. It can be overwhelming at times, and can lead us to question if we should be living our lives in a different way.

If you would like to write for Modern Women, please take the time to read our submission guidelines here…

And if you are itching to write but need some inspiration, you can find our monthly prompts at the top of our home page.



Brenda Covarrubias
Modern Women

Brenda Covarrubias is a freelance writer and editor. Her writing focuses on people, communities and the situations that drive them. https://linktr.ee/brendacova