We Are Wild Women


Words by Egypt
Modern Women
2 min readApr 3, 2024


Photo by DIEGO SÁNCHEZ on Unsplash

we are wild women

we don’t stay quiet because we are told to

we don’t quiver at the sight of men

we don’t want to be submissive “feminine” women

because we know our femininity is divinely ordained.

and not subject to the definitions and categorisation of men.

we want to move about this earth unhindered

with our freedom and peace intact

we want to explore new frontiers without permission

because wild people need no permission

we want to keep ownership of our thoughts

and our philosophies without interference

we want to be spared from put-downs, let down and betrayals

we are wild women, we want to run in untamed fields

inviting the breeze to run through our hair

with our bare feet kissing Mother Earth

we want to show the world the fullness and completeness of ourselves

without any man to hold on to, fall into or stand by

we are wild women, and we don’t need permission to remain free

Poet’s commentary:

This poem is inspired by my desire to remain a free and sovereign being, whilst in or out of a romantic relationship. I’ve often felt I was being tamed or controlled in relationships. As I was seen as too independent of lifestyle and thinking. This does a great disservice to women who need to express themselves and live a life of sovereignty and creativity.

Are there any wild women out there? how do you hold onto and express your wildness? Share your voice in the comments.



Words by Egypt
Modern Women

Essayist, Poet, and Writer. Dancing at the intersection of words and thoughts. https://ko-fi.com/wordsbyegypt