Let’s Talk About Being Called a ‘Simp’ as an Insult to Men

It’s possible to maintain manliness and still actually respect women.

Jeff Hayward
Modern Identities
Published in
4 min readSep 30, 2022


Photo by Samantha Sophia on Unsplash

Not long ago, I published an opinion piece about how men need to improve or be left behind in society. I’m not making it up — more women than ever are choosing not to date men, largely because of men’s shitty behavior and not bringing anything useful to the table. The research shows that women want more from relationships, and with good reason.

Anyways, I knew that a few angry bros would come at me with comments that I’m a weakling feminist or something along those lines. Someone also told me that I must hate myself for writing such a piece. But one particularly angry dude called me a “simp” among other things (his rant is now gone, but not by my doing. Maybe he was banned from Medium. I wish I had the screenshots.)

Meaning of ‘simp’ not as simple as I thought

I have heard this term in recent times. I assumed it just meant a simple person, like, someone who claps with glee when they see a lightbulb turn on. But apparently, “simp” has become a perceived insult towards men (from other men) in the past couple of years.

Dictionary.com says the slang term refers to “men who are seen as too attentive and…



Jeff Hayward
Modern Identities

Ex-reporter. AI critic. Nostalgia lover. Canadian. Follow my publications Ai-Ai-OH and CanadEH.