Video Series: Research Recruitment & Screening

What is the most important part of design research? Recruiting participants!

Educator and design expert Jon Kolko walks through how to develop a research plan, define the right participants, work with a screener (or use participant intercepts and social media for broader groups), how many people you need to interview, and other methods needed to gather the information you really need to design for the end user.

Have you seen the first three videos in this series? If not, start with an Introduction to Design Strategy and learn more about the whole process!

Watch the newest video below.

Learn more about Modernist’s approach to design strategy at and add your email to receive our monthly Design Futures content for more resources and inspiration.

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Download two of Jon’s books for free and continue learning design tools and methods to help you and your team conceive and build successful, emotionally resonant products.

How I Teach: Reflecting on 15 Years in Design Strategy

Wicked Problems: Problems Worth Solving



Modernist Studio
Perspectives on Design by Modernist Studio

Modernist Studio is a strategy, experience design and innovation consultancy that designs and builds the future across products, services, experiences and teams