How to Create MOI ID using I0MƎ

Geetika Gahlot
MOI Technology
Published in
3 min readAug 1, 2022

With the whole blockchain industry celebrating the launch of zkEVM, zero-knowledge is one step away from mass adoption. In this article, I’m walking you through an age old use case of leveraging Zero-knowledge to protect your privacy and interact online in a much more safe way.

MOI ID is aZKP enabled, personalized digital ID catering to specific privacy, security and performance requirements of a Web3 user. With MOI IDs peer-to-peer digital interactions are made possible, facilitating value transfers similar to real-life interactions. To gain deeper understanding of the concept behind MOI ID, you can read our blog: MOI ID is not just another Id.

You can create your first ZKP approved Wallet in 3 easy steps.

Step 1

Go to I0MƎ, a Wallet application , which also enables users to create MOI ID. The new users can click on "Signup" option.

1.1 Set a Username: Choose an Username, if the username is already taken by someone else, I0MƎ will request you to choose another username.

1.2 Set password: The password should meet certain conditions as shown in the image below.

1.3 Consent: Before clicking on “Next” button, you are required to read and agree to our "Terms of Service"and "privacy policy".


Step 2

Store your Secret Recovery phrase. Click on "Copy" and safely paste the secret recovery phrase to cold wallet or any other backup as per your choice. In case, you forget your password, this 12 word secret recovery phrase will be needed to recover.

I0M3: Secret Phrase:

Step 3

Solve the challenge, to ensure you have backed up the Secret Recovery Phrase by solving the pattern using your seed phrase and click on "Submit" button.


Hurray! Your MOI ID is ready!

I0M3 Dashboard for MOI ID user.

You can learn more about MOI ID & Digital Avatars here . You can also use your MOI ID at MOI Bit , MOI Verse, to run a Validator node. In future, we will be posting new blogs explaining in detail how MOI ID can be used on each of these platform.

Join our #telegram, #discord, #twitter communities and interact with us right away!

Reference links

  1. MOI ID Site:
  2. 10M3:
  3. 10M3 Android:
  4. 10M3 Test Flight:



Geetika Gahlot
MOI Technology

Marketing Lead @moi-technology. Previously Community Manager @hellomeets @SpringRoleinc