How do I make a moken?

Haley Summers
Published in
7 min readAug 16, 2018

tldr: step by step guide for minting, acquiring, and listing a moken.

First person narrative on how and why “Re-Usable Moken” was minted and listed it on

Background: Mokens are user-designed and created cryptocollectibles that are stored on the Ethereum blockchain.

Let’s make a moken!

MetaMask Logo

Begin by making sure you have MetaMask installed and unlocked. For detailed instructions on MetaMask, please read this article.

Now, go to Homepage

At the top of the site, you can see a box titled “Mint a Moken”.

To mint a new moken, there is only one piece of required information, the moken name. You may assign 3 optional pieces of information: description, image, and tags.

Current Price and Current Era Boxes on home page

Before you mint a new moken, be sure to take note of the current mint price and what era the new moken will be minted in.

If the era and price are not suitable to you, you may explore OpenSea or eMoon or Rarebits or other exchange for a moken that is less expensive or more desirable. You can make an offer on an existing moken or place a bid if there is one for auction. In this case, I am happy with the low mint price of 0.013 ETH in the Genesis Era.

“Mokens Are Forever”, Moken 25

Remember! Mokens are forever!

They cannot be deleted or burned. Once you mint the moken, its name, era, and moken ID number become a part of the Ethereum Blockchain forever!

It is possible, however, for the current owner of a moken to change the following:

  • The description of a moken.
  • The image of a moken.
  • The tags of a moken.
Mint a Moken Box Filled Out

The new moken I a making will contain the following information:

  • Name: ReUsable Moken
  • Description: This moken is generically named to allow for dynamic use and reuse by any person for any purpose.
    Mokens fully implement the ERC998 Composable standard which enables Mokens to own other ERC721 tokens and ERC20 tokens and to be owned by ERC721 tokens.
  • Image: Public Domain Clip Art of Circular Arrows
  • Tags: erc98, erc721, erc20, reuseable

After I am pleased with the results, I press submit.

MetaMask Transaction

MetaMask pop up and asks me to confirm the transaction.

The transaction includes:
-mint price of .013 ETH for the new moken
-0.001722 ETH transaction fee in gas

The total to confirm is 0.014722 ETH .

After pressing confirm, your transaction will await processing on the Ethereum Blockchain.

You can check the status of our transaction in your MetaMask wallet or on Etherscan.

During the mean time, your account will reflect a pending status.

Pending moken status

After your transaction has been processed, you can view the new moken by clicking on the Account tab.

Account Tab of my mokens

From here, I can now list “Re-Usable Moken” on for Auction!

“Re-Usable Moken” — moken 26

Why would someone want to buy “Re-Usable Moken”, moken 26, on OpenSea rather than mint a new one?

“Re-Usable Moken”, moken 26, is valuable because it is both desirable and scarce. This is because it has the follow qualities:

  • Unique Generic Name: the mokens contract on the ethereum blockchain enforces that moken names are unique. It is not possible for two mokens to have the same name.
  • Low Mint Price of 0.013 ETH: Depending on the era there is an increasing mint price for each new moken that is minted. When I began this article, the mint price was 0.013 ETH . The mint price for a new moken, as of publishing, has increased to 0.0185 ETH.
  • Minted in the Genesis Era: The Genesis Era is the first era of mokens to be minted. The Genesis Era is special because it is the first era and holding a moken allows molders (moken token holders) to participate in future votes that will determine new eras. Read here for more on moken eras.

Awesome! Wait, then why would you sell moken 26?

Someone may need a cheap and generic moken and I want encourage new molders (moken tokens holders) to use mokens in dynamic and interesting ways!

What would someone be able to do with “Re-Usable Moken” moken 26?

The new owner of “Re-Usable Moken” moken 26 could change the description, image, and tags once they own it. They would also be able to use it as a ERC-998 composable NFT to make it own other digital assets, like ERC-20 coins or ERC-721 non-fungible tokens. The new owner could also re-list moken 26 after using it for new molders to join the community.

To list “Re-Usable Moken” for sale, I start by going to Homepage

In the upper left hand corner, click on “My Account” and then “My Items”. Make sure you still have your MetaMask wallet unlocked!

Click “Account” > Click “My Items”

On the left hand side of the page, you will see your items. Click on Mokens.

List of my non-fungible tokens available on OpenSea

This will allow you to view all of the mokens you own.

View of all my mokens in OpenSea

I now select “Re-Usable Moken” from this window to view it. Viewing the item in OpenSea allows you to see previous transaction, descriptions, current owner, highest offer, and list it for sale.

I begin listing “Re-Usable Moken” by clicking the “SELL”.

I chose to list “Re-Usable Moken” at a fixed price of 0.0155 ETH.

If this is your first time listing a fixed price item, OpenSea will prompt MetaMask for you to confirm the “initializing of sales on your behalf”. You can do this by clicking the “Post Your Listing” button.

MetaMask opens a free transaction (plus gas) to confirm the initializing of sales on your behalf by OpenSea.

It may take several minutes to verify.

If you do not want to wait, you can increase the gas price of your transaction by opening your MetaMask wallet.

After my transaction was confirmed on etherscan, I returned to the item view of “Re-Usable Moken” to list it for sale.

I re-entered my list price of 0.0155 ETH and click the submit button.

OpenSea will now prompt a free plus gas transaction for being able to list all future mokens for sale:

Last step!

I am now prompted to confirm the listing “Re-Usable Moken” with my signature in MetaMask. Don’t worry, Signature Requests do not use gas to complete!

OpenSea lets me know that my Auction was successful!

I can now see that “Re-Usable Moken” is listed for sale on OpenSea!

Anyone can now make a bid to purchase “Re-Usable Moken”.

Thought of something interesting you’d like to use mokens for? Join us on Discord and share your ideas!

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