Polyamory & Sharing Time With Household Pets

Polyamory Has Brought So Many Unthinkable Joys

Joe Duncan
Published in
3 min readAug 2, 2019


This morning I was awoken by a scratch at my door, three of them in succession, as always. It was the dog fulfilling her daily duties of coming to say hi to me first thing in the morning. It was just another day in the life of a polyamorous relationship. There are things that people don’t tell you about, things they don’t talk much when you enter into polyamory, and one of the most adorable of them all is the sharing of pets that can sometimes happen, as it has in our case. The system that’s in place happened wholly organically, there were no words spoken, a dog simply made her choice, and it’s one of the cutest things I’ve ever seen. I like to try to tell about the poly life from within it so I can paint a picture for others out there of what our lives are like, so that they may understand it a bit better. Poly writers too often get so hung up on social issues and of course sex, that they often miss the forest for the trees. I think a lot of people secretly suspect that the poly life is all about sex, when it’s more like a normal, relaxed life for everyone involved most of the time, albeit with some benefits.

Household pets have shown me just how quirky these benefits can be sometimes, and how accidentally they can come about, seemingly out of nowhere.



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for fourteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: Medium.com/Sexography | The Science of Sex: http://thescienceofsex.substack.com