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The Complete History of Anal Sex: Part 1

The History of the Forbidden Fruit: Babylon and the Moche

Joe Duncan
Published in
9 min readMar 18, 2019



The history of human sexuality is a long and winding tale of various practices, habits, and expressions of human affection, as we endeavor to encapsulate our deepest passion for our partners, and who them ultimately our love. This boundless desire, the raw, sheer passionate emotion that we feel within ourselves is the burning fuel for our sexual practices, whichever form they may take in whichever culture they seek to reflect.

Anal sex has been around for a very, very long time, probably for as long as there have been human beings walking around on this Earth. People have done this practice for various reasons, reasons which I’ve largely spelled out in my first story The Psychology of Anal Sex, which can be found here.

It should be noted here that this work in no way condones coercion or any sexual practices that aren’t taking place between willing participants. This is the disclaimer.

Honestly, after the publication of The Psychology of Anal Sex, I’ve received a lot of feedback in the way of requests for a more detailed history, with readers noting that they wanted more, especially more about the history of the practice of anal sex. Realizing that the history is



Joe Duncan

I’ve worked in politics for thirteen years and counting. Editor for Sexography: | The Science of Sex: