Round 1 — Public MNZ Test ICO Report

Round 1 of MNZ Public Test ICO Concluded Quicker Than Expected


Facts & Figures

The 1st ROUND of the MNZ Test ico has been a complete success and went quite faster than expected, and we are excited about it !

What we’ve planned

  • 1000 TESTBTC overall maximum cap over 3 days.
  • Bonuses on TESTMNZ 1st day: 50% using TESTKMD, 45% using TESTBTC
  • Bonuses on TESTMNZ 2nd: day: 40% using TESTKMD, 35% using TESTBTC
  • Bonuses on TESTMNZ 3rd: day: 30% using TESTKMD, 25% using TESTBTC

What we’ve achieved

Funds raised directly on testnet multisig wallets :
TESTKMD Raised: 963000.62736544
TESTBTC Raised: 624.89177124
TOTAL in TESTBTC: 1001.80058678
USD: $7,849,102.59 (equivalent, if coins raised were on mainnet)

Efficiency :
1016 swaps in 8h 20min.
22,493,216.5027351 TESTMNZ distributed
Progress after 5 hours : 25% (250 TESTBTC / 1000 TESTBTC)

Exclusive Bonus System (coupons)

The very specific coupons meant to override the bonus scheme above has been released a few hours after the test began. The coupons have been pre-generated and distributed through a MNZ Coupon Raffle API that was quite popular since all coupons have been assign to ip addresses (6 coupons allowed per ip) but they haven’t been used entirely. The Coupon Raffle API logic is being updated to distribute coupons differently for the next round with higher volumes and more repartition.

36 coupons have been used

  • 24 coupons of 75% for 1000 TESTKMD
  • 9 coupons of 1000% for 5000 TESTKMD
  • 3 coupons of 75% for 2 TESTBTC

Participation Bounty

Bounties will be distributed at the end of the test ico (2 rounds).
Stay tuned on Slack & Telegram in order to get coupons in the right time !

Top 10 at the end of the 1st round:

Congratulation to our top 10 investors for the 1st round.

Bug Bounty

Problems encountered and what we learned

Many thanks to our testers who reported issues on Be sure, they are currently watched closely by our team.

During the test we’ve encountered a few troubles with our DNS provider which was not linked to the planned test.

Many of you reported issues with the passphrase which was in fact because of a mistyped passphrase.

Some errors showed up when buying/withdrawing TESTBTC that is directly linked to the estimation of fees by the testnet blockchain. Our team is looking into alternatives for tesnet only.

Round 2 of MNZ Public Test ICO

The MNZ team has decided to reconfigure the Round 2 of the MNZ public test ico to make it last longer. Here is the amendment:

Round 2 Bonuses and Coupons

Next round

  • The TESTKMD faucet limit will be raised.
  • Coupons and ICO configuration will be reset.

We've been working hard these last months to prepare all the necessary parts to run this ICO correctly.

We are really proud of what we achieved and we can’t wait for the next round. I hope you guys will raise the hard cap of this test ICO, and for the real ICO too, of course ;)

