October 2019 in 5…4…3…2…1

Chetna Parekh
Monday Morning Musings
3 min readOct 28, 2019

Remember the 54321 awareness technique I shared in the musings last week?

Let me refresh your memory on how one would go about it. Take a few deep breaths and say out loud:

5- things you can see in your surroundings

4- things you can feel (eg- your back on the chair, hair on shoulder, etc.)

3- things you can hear

2- things you can smell

1- thing you can taste

This exercise makes you present to your immediate surroundings in the current moment and therefore helps you clear your mind and refocus.

Writing the musing last week made me wonder if we can take this technique and apply it to a larger time period. So below is my 54321 for the month of October.

5 things I saw in October

- Fleabag Season 1

- Joker (twice)

- Eleven getting chubbier

- Smokey getting her mane back (in time for winters)

- Music video of Houdini

4 things I felt in October

- gratitude for all the love Merak received in terms of Diwali orders

- a pleasant nip in the air

- a lot of love and support from Pious

- benefits from practicing daily Transcendental Meditation

3 things I heard in October

- songs from this playlist I created on Spotify

- two books by Mel Robbins on Audible- Kick Ass and Take Control of your life

- The Office Ladies podcast!

(The Office is hands down one of my favourite TV shows and this podcast is an episode by episode behind-the-scenes and break down of the show)

2 things I smelt a lot in October

- my kitchen smelt like heaven with continuous fresh brownies right out of the oven

- Also sadly, a lot of pollution

1 thing I tasted in October

- I made pudina paani for puchkas like my mom used to for the first time yesterday. It was YUM!

Two thoughts:

- This was a great reflection exercise and I am going to do it often.

- Meditation doesn’t have to be practised in a set scray way. You can do whatever is meditative for you and you will definitely receive a lot of good from it.

