Without them the tech industry would not be the same

Here’s the list of 10 women in tech that you should know.

Moonbay Labs
Moonbay Labs
4 min readOct 18, 2021


10 illustrated portraits of famous women in tech and research. The illustration icludes: Donna Dubinsky, Annie Easley, Adele Goldberg, Grace Hopper, Karen Sparck Jones, Susan Kare, Hedy Lamarr, Ada Lovelace, Radia Perlman, and Mary Allen Wilkes.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

Although gender diversity in the technology sector has received much attention over the recent years, current stats reveal vast disparities in employment levels and salaries earned by women in tech.

According to PWC, only 5% of leadership positions in the technology sector are held by women today. The enormous disproportion along with a lack of female role models and adequate support discourage many women from considering a career in tech.

Based on a recent survey conducted on 2,000 high school and university students, only 22% of students can name a famous woman working in technology, while 60% can name a famous man working in the tech field.

To help reduce this gap, we have created a list of 10 women in tech you should know:

An illustration showing Donna Dubinsky.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

1 Donna Dubinsky

Donna Dubinsky is a business leader who brought the PDAs (hand-held personal digital assistants) to the market.

An illustration showing Annie Easley.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

2 Annie Easley

Annie Easley was a computer scientist and mathematician. She was one of the first African-American computer scientists to work at NASA. Her work laid out the foundations for space shuttle launches. Easley also actively encouraged women and people of color to enter STEM fields.

An illustration showing Adele Goldberg.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

3 Adele Goldberg

Adele Goldberg is a computer scientist. She was the only woman among the group of men who built the Smalltalk-80 programming language used to create the first graphical user interface. Her work inspired the very first Apple computer.

An illustration showing Grace Hopper.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

4 Grace Hopper

Grace Hopper is called the “Mother of Computing.” She invented the first compiler and helped develop COBOL — one of the first high-level programming languages.

An illustration showing Karen Sparck Jones.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

5 Karen Sparck Jones

Karen Sparck Jones was a computer scientist who revolutionized the system of searching for content on the computer. Her research work established the basis of search engines we use today.

An illustration showing Susan Kare.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

6 Susan Kare

Susan is an artist and graphic designer who created many interface elements for the Apple Macintosh in the 1980s. She was also a design consultant for numerous industry-leading companies, such as IBM, Microsoft, and Facebook. She is believed to be the first person who made a GUI system more intuitive to users.

An illustration showing Hedy Lamarr.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

7 Hedy Lamarr

Lamarr was an actress, film producer, and inventor. She co-invented the early version of the frequency hopping system that later inspired the emergence of Wi-Fi, GPS, and Bluetooth.

An illustration showing Ada Lovelace.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

8 Ada Lovelace

Ada Lovelace was the first computer programmer. She wrote an algorithm in the 1800s for an early computing machine that existed only on paper.

An illustration showing Radia Perlman.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

9 Radia Perlman

Perlman is a computer programmer and network engineer. She contributed to the development of the internet’s infrastructure that we recognize today.

An illustration showing Mary Allen Wilkes.
[Photo: Moonbay Labs]

10 Mary Allen Wilkes

Wilkes is a former computer programmer and logic designer. She helped develop the first personal computer EVER.

There are even more women who have changed the tech world forever, and this list is just the beginning. It is important to be vocal about their achievements to encourage young girls and women to enter the field, if that is their dream.

Moonbay Labs is a publication for designers, researchers, and technologists.🚀🌕 We are advocates of women in technology and research, diversity, inclusivity, emerging talent, and new business initiatives.

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Moonbay Labs
Moonbay Labs

We support designers, researchers and technologists at all levels.