You have just graduated from a boot camp

What Now?

Moonbay Labs
Moonbay Labs
4 min readOct 19, 2021


A woman lying in bed with her MacBook in a very cozy room. There are numerous illustrations around her and a hat hanging on the wall above the woman’s head. She is wearing a beige, warm sweater and glasses. She is looking at the screen.
[Photo: Vlada Karpovich/Pexels]

The recent rise in popularity and demand for UX/UI designers and software developers has increased the number of digital training boot camps offered online. In general, a boot camp aims to teach students all the necessary skills to enter their dream field in two to ten months.

While there are many benefits of attending boot camps as a newbie who finds a particular field worth exploring, for someone who considers investing in this form of education, you should also be aware of the competitive nature of these fields. Many boot camp providers use very generic and cliché phrases to attract new students, like: “Become a software developer in 10 weeks.” They often promise that once you graduate, you will be hired by one of the top tech companies and that you will earn at least $65,000 a year. Sounds promising, but there is a catch.

A small child standing in front of a long staircase. The child is sadly looking at the first step.
[Photo by Jukan Tateisi/Unsplash]

Boot camp is just the beginning

If you ask people already working in the field, you will notice that boot camps have both critics and fans. What is particularly crucial for you to understand is that a boot camp alone will not get you a job. Before you start attending one, you should think of your specific goals and expectations. Here is a list of steps that you should definitely include in your plan before enrolling into a boot camp:

1. Find a mentor (or even two)

Finding a good mentor who can guide you early on in your journey is a significant step. Many boot camps offer the opportunity to connect you with mentors, which is a big advantage. You may be making some mistakes that you don’t even realize, and it’s important to have someone give you feedback in case you are struggling with something. Most mentors are very kind and sympathetic, and they understand what you may be going through because they’ve been there too. They will also answer questions about their job or the field, which can be really helpful if you are still unsure of what you would like to do in the future.

A man standing outdoors looking at the sky full of stars.
[Photo by Greg Rakozy/Unsplash]

2. Networking is the key

Try to join as many communities and events as possible. That will help you learn more about the field, meet more professionals, and also help you find your niche. If you are a career switcher, maybe someone else’s story will inspire you to discover how you can effectively apply your skill set and experience to the new field.

A yellow, neon sign saying: “Go up and never stop.”
[Photo by Fab Lentz/Unsplash]

3. Keep learning, keep thriving

Never stop learning, and always keep your mind open to new ideas. Many boot camp graduates often get stuck with the tools, techniques, and knowledge learned in the boot camps. You should be ready to test if a certain method really works in every case, or if you should adjust it to fit your project and budget. You should check if maybe there is a new tool or software that will make a certain task much easier to handle. These are fast-evolving fields, and they can drastically change within three to five years.

Two pairs of feet standing in front an inscription on the street saying: “Passion led us here.”
[Photo by Ian Schneider/Unsplash]

4. Be open to all opportunities that appear (even the unpaid ones)

Securing an entry-level job is more challenging than you may think. Yes, there is a higher demand for software developers and designers, but also, most offers that you see on LinkedIn or other job-listing websites are either for senior or mid-level professionals. Among people applying for entry-level roles, there may also be many college and university graduates who have been learning about your selected field for many years. Your first job will probably not be your dream opportunity, but think of it as a tiny step that you are taking towards a bigger goal.

Your passion will lead you there

We all have different experiences. Think of your biggest strengths and ways in which you can apply your background and talents. Stay positive, be open to new ideas, and focus on your constant growth. The opportunity will eventually arrive.

Moonbay Labs is a publication for designers, researchers, and technologists.🚀🌕 We are advocates of women in technology and research, diversity, inclusivity, emerging talent, and new business initiatives.

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Moonbay Labs
Moonbay Labs

We support designers, researchers and technologists at all levels.