Fashion giant Privalia launches first AMP Landing Page based campaign

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2 min readApr 13, 2018

One of the fashion industry key players in Spain just launched it first AMP Landing Page based campaign, and it’s no other than Privalia.

Privalia trusted Moõse with the management of its first AMP landing page based campaign; from the user’s experience, load time is at least 4 times faster, which critically improves lead generation.

That has led Privalia to obtain great results, in which lead generation has improved at least +15% with this campaign.

Giovanna Arruda, Advertising Manager at Privalia & Vente-Privee, stated that for Privalia “the mobile channel is one of its keystones and they’ve always bet on it”; then, she aggregates that “that’s why in Privalia we seek to offer our users the best possible experience within this channel”.

It’s worth to mention that Privalia is long seeking for innovation. Not only the fashion giant has implemented AMP landing pages within its structure, they’re also working on their Google Shopping strategy with AMP technology.

Complementing all these initiatives, Rubén Ferreiro (VIKO Group President) stated that “AMP landing pages maximize user’s experience regarding conversion and lead generation”; for him, it was clear that Moõse (part of VIKO’s brand ecosystem) was just ready to enter the AMP world to offer better landing page solutions for its top clients, such as Privalia.

Why do AMP landing pages matter so much for lead generation?

One of the main values of the AMP technology is its expansion into landing pages; clearly, anyone involved in ads and marketing campaigns knows that a fast loading landing page is key for lead conversion.

Today, a great AdWords campaign needs to be completented with a fast loading landing page to maximize potential conversions; and that’s where AMP landing pages enter the scenario.

With the objective to load pages within less than a second (the average time a user will wait for a page to load) the AMP technology pre-fetches the landing page with the Google ad itself, eliminating the lag between the click and the site’s load.

As much as this is quite attractive, the real value within the employment of AMP landing pages resides in other 3 key factors that you can read here.

Final thoughts: Give yourself (and your budget) a second thought and start driving more sales way faster with AMP enhanced landing pages, just like Privalia.




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