Introducing geotargeting + AMP for new marketing dynamics

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2 min readMay 17, 2018

We were just getting introduced to the AMP-GDPR consent component when the AMP Project staff just revealed a brand new one, that enables users to target content to site visitors based on their locations, enabling geotargeting functions.

The amp-geo component

Peers call this the new “amp-geo” component; while it serves its name quite right, the real deal here is that “amp-geo” will allow content to be served in a dynamic mood based on the visitor’s IP address.

This new component seems to revolt some of our marketing dynamics, because site owners that target content or products to multinational customers will now have a greater control over visual, branding and language options.

In its announcement, the AMP Project staff unveils the implementation process all around, from the script and tag inclusion to the CSS alteration. While you may want to take a look at the AMP Project blog, what you must not miss is the fact that the team has also announced the ability to extend content display using groups, via the “ISOCountryGroups” key (again, we recommend you to take a look at the AMP blog for coding information).

Just imagine the possibilities!

As of today, the “amp-geo” has just been released. Many developers and publishers have been testing this on their sites, attempting to detect bugs and give the AMP Project Staff some feedback.

Now… just imagine the so-many possibilities that we may experience from AMP landing pages enabled with geotargeting functions!

Quick reminder: is your AMP-page in consent with GDPR?

We just want to bid farewell remembering you that the GDPR deadline is near. As we stated before, Google and its AMP Project staff announced a GDPR-consent component that will enable publishers to surface site notifications for users’ navigation consent; all around, the features include the ability to show the choices in user interface notices via ‘accept’ and ‘reject’ semantics.

That’s all for today, then. Be sure to follow us and clap this article, because at Moõse and the VIKO Group we’re getting ready for the AMP revolution.




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