How to protect yourself from criminal hypnosis: stay alert if you see these signs

Criminal hypnosis is something done without your consent and you’d better be aware of how it works.

Since I’ve got some requests regarding anti-hypnotic best practices, I’ll quickly summarize some of the most popular ones. However, first you need to admit that hypnosis exists and has nothing to do with witches, brooms, magic and all that stuff. It is far more logical than you can imagine. If you know something well enough, you can play with it. Hypnotists learn how human brains work and exploit vulnerabilities, like hackers exploit ones in software.

Your initial keywords to google should be “trance and altered states of mind”. Basically, humans can focus on one thing at a time. If you add a second thing during someone’s trance condition, this will be a hypnotic suggestion aimed at controlling this person. This second thing will go directly to subconsciousness, like an order. Obey to me. Serve me. Love me.

Of course, hypnosis is just another technique, neutral by nature. Moreover, many decent therapists use it to bring good to their patients, i.e. help them sleep better, stop smoking or start to abstain from alcohol. For a skilled doctor, it is a strong remedy comparable to mental drugs, and it works well in many cases.

However, what if this tool is used by someone evil? Street hypnosis (gypsy hypnosis, criminal hypnosis), unlike ethical hypnosis done for healing purposes, might be very harmful. Many thefts and many rapes would have never occurred without criminal hypnosis. It usually happens in minutes, and the criminal is very far from getting your consent first. Hehe.

Many unethical people use hypnosis, and you can literally expose your back to someone with a knife.

So, technique number one is AWARENESS. Basically, you get caught into this trap because you have zero knowledge (hello to witches, brooms and magic!). If you know what it is and how it works, you can spot the signs (patterns of behavior). To make a suggestion, a hypnotist needs to catch you in trance. Here’s what they will do to achieve this goal:

  • bomb you with sugary compliments and fake love;
  • shock you with strange humor and behavior;
  • say something illogical to get your logical mind stuck;
  • overload you with unstructured information;
  • relax you to the extent of half-sleeping;
  • gaze at you to impose hypnotic induction;
  • speak monotonously to get you bored;
  • misbehave, humiliate you or play tricks on you;
  • use tailored phrases based on your values, likes & dislikes;
  • tell you shocking rumors about people you know to distract you;
  • give you a task to focus on and watch you doing it;
  • play with their tone of voice, stressing certain words;
  • repeat and emphasize particular word combinations (suggestions);
  • mirror your gestures and align their breathe with yours (see Rapport);
  • impress you with titles & accolades to obtain your trust (they’re too shy to mention hypnosis though!);
  • they will pat you in the back, hug you, touch you and embarrass you sexually.

They need you to be sleepy & relaxed, fully concentrated on a task or completely at a loss. These are situations when we experience trance.

This is why they often combine all these tactics to hack you one way or the other.

This gives them the room for making suggestions to control you… make orders to obey.

If a smart, well-educated person with high IQ does something silly, shocking or illogical, this is a red flag for criminal hypnosis. They are doing it purposefully to open your mind and write there.

Hypnotizing many people at once isn’t impossible, it’s a catchy thing. Crowds are prone to trance.

Important note. The common misconception is that a hypnotist needs a 1–1 meeting in person to take advantage of you. Nope. Of course, a 1–1 rendez-vous gives them more freedom and flexibility to develop a tailored “program” for you. They can also read you there to write more efficiently. However, they can also hypnotize people in bulk, be it after-party fatigue when everyone is happy enough to let their mind wander around or a conference where people are yawning because of the long keynote. Remember Mr. Hitler & crowds around him — he did it. Others are skilled at it, too.

Why do hypnotists do all this? For a post-hypnotic suggestion, of course, to make you do what they want, stay loyal even if it does harm to you and your interests. Is this violence? It is. Still, it is very hard to prove (but not impossible, see the NXIVM case).

And here comes technique number two — ABRUPTNESS. Once you are seeing someone trying to “cast a spell” over you with charming words and cold demonic eyes, don’t hesitate. You have caught yourself before stepping into an abyss of someone’s evil will. Shock them:

  • ask them to marry you all of a sudden (because they are trying to f*ck your mind!);
  • say something unexpected like: “the distance between the Earth and the Moon right now”;
  • laugh at them “thanks, but another gypsy has already provided my life forecast”;
  • tell them to f*ck off right here right now in a loud voice, if you can (they might be your boss at work, heh);
  • make a scandal or fuss out of nothing to distract yourself and the hypnotist;
  • go crazy, be unreadable — move, break intimacy, spread silly jokes yourself;
  • disappear the faster the better and ignore them for the rest of your life, for good.
By demonstrating that you know the dark secret of the ‘gypsy’, you will make them lose their concentration.

If you have to spend some time with them and cannot run immediately, then humiliate them all the time one way or the other (you might hate toxic jokes, but you’re loading your gun to protect yourself, so switch off the good you and be aggressive and tough; they deserve it). This will ruin their concentration because deep inside they feel insecure and have zero self-worth. That’s right, they are parasites and they know it.

Become too dangerous for them to reach. They will find a more convenient target. However, it’s good as a temporary means of protection. They are like water, they’ll pour themselves everywhere with time, and you’ll get wet (hypnotized). Don’t expose yourself to them for too long.

Don’t try to oversmart them — they have spent years playing with people’s minds, so they’ll get yours in due time, too. You can push back for a while though. Until you run away.

Yes, my best advice is technique number three — NO CONTACT FOREVER. If you don’t want your finger to get burnt, you don’t put it on fire. If you don’t want to be mind-controlled, you stop communicating with the one practising criminal hypnosis. If they are playing with your mind without your consent just because they learned how to do it, they are criminals. They destroy people to achieve their goals, which looks disgusting to every sane person.

A remark regarding sanity: just because they do all this, they most likely belong to the dark triad guys, which often means zero empathy, no remorse and some DSM diagnosis. Which is no excuse for them to experiment on people. They know what they do. They destroy people to obtain power, all this with a cold mind. They feel sexual arousal seeing others helpless, and this is abnormal and super disturbing — serial killers are that type, too.

Hypnosis puts you at risk of having someone else in control of your life choices. Technically, it is invisible slavery that leads to depression, as we are born to be free.

A mentally imprisoned person cannot live a happy life, they can only serve their master and then die…

Moreover, criminal hypnosis is dangerous in many ways, it won’t cause a slight mental health issue. Brainwashing & mindf*ckery are harmful for your general wellbeing — business, friendships, family life, physical health. Think of it: you’ll take externally controlled decisions instead of informed ones. You work hard for someone else’s welfare, not yours. It’s scary.

You would be astonished at how easily a criminal hypnotist can waste you away. Some examples of “my” suggestions I managed to recall:

  • You will never tell anyone about anything.
  • You will fall to pieces.
  • You are a corpse.
  • You are nice, but I can’t let you remain alive.

Since it is unethical and illegal, a criminal hypnotist will tell you to forget about their suggestions and impose “sanctions” on you so you couldn’t recall these strange phrases. You will literally be told something like: “You’ll be dead if you recall what I said to you”. Since this phrase goes directly to you subconsciousness, it can do a lot of harm to your health (your brain will act accordingly). You might feel suicidal or become seriously ill because of such suggestion (I’ve survived it…).

“What if I am not subject to hypnosis?” — this is a question asked by many. Well, it’s a matter of how often you experience trance and how much trust you have in the hypnotist. Imagine someone who tasks themselves with discovering your weaknesses, doing a serious research and using every chance for catching you in trance. Imagine someone obsessed with you as a target. It is possible to hack you with enough time and effort. You can surely decline a request from a random gypsy, but what if a famous guy with a Ph.D or MBA degree will approach you with their most welcoming smile? Most likely, you’ll bite the bait of respect.

Surely, there are more practices that help not to get hypnotized by a criminal. You can hum to yourself, multiply numbers or otherwise stay alert and out of their control. However, don’t forget that you are a newbie who is struggling with a professional. You haven’t got your degree in protecting yourself, they have theirs in brainwashing. Trust your guts telling you that something is seriously wrong with the person acting so illogically. If you feel that someone is hunting you, well, they are. Your intuition will scream at them. Listen to it.

If you feel the unhealthy vibes coming from a hypnotist, don’t invent excuses for them. Run away.

Why am I sharing all this? I have enough empathy to do so. I respect people’s desire to be free and do what they want. It took me a while to break free, I had to conduct a research and consult the best specialists in hypnosis I could reach so I could heal myself and prove my guesses. I’ve read thousands of pages to dive into psychology and restore the course of psychological experiment made on me and my co-workers at one of the workplaces. My university thesis was on journalistic research, so I know how to dig deep into facts and find out the truth despite how shocking it could be. My journey was long and hard, and I want to shorten the path and save efforts to many other people — this is how the humanity makes progress. So consider me a white hacker taking your side.

I believe that a personality thrives when they are free, I belive in a “win-win” and “give and take” approaches. I can capture your heart at my poetry concert, but I will not use and abuse you. Artists can charm you in a comforting way and provoke trance (remember Freddie Mercury, that shamanic charmer). However, they do so to heal your wounds and make you feel comfortable. Unlike those into criminal hypnosis, I let you decide whether you like me or not, whether you follow my advice or not. You may decide to pick to read Erich Fromm’s Anatomy of Human Destructiveness instead, but please be aware that evil people exist and stay alert when they are approaching you.

“Awake, ye, yield not to sinister entropy”. (“Cor Serpentis” by I. Efremov)

Don’t sleep or cry when evil people want you to. Belong to yourself.

Freedom is surely something to celebrate. However, we are all fragile, and remembering it is key.

