Go to More pixels, more problems
More pixels, more problems
“Checkboxes or radio buttons? 3 dots or a Menu? [Delete] beside [Share] (& there’s no Undo)? Where to change the language?..and so on” We’ve gone far from 640x480 screens, yet basic things are still overlooked. PS. Matt, the inmates are still running the asylum @ Retina Flatland.
Note from the editor

We’ve gone far from 640x480 screens, 56Kbps modems, 256 color displays, TFT television screens, dot-matrix printers, and DOS disk cartridges — yet basic user interface necessities are still overlooked. We have retina displays now yet some large companies (like Google) can’t even get the language switching utility on their sign on page done right. This blog, which contains “complaints” about poor user interface utilities one would expect larger companies able to do properly, aims to be helpful by letting them (and budding UI designers) know. Random unhelpful stuff are also posted — I can’t help it. PS. Everyone else talks about and uses UX, CX, etc nowadays, but I’ll stick to UI (user interface) as customer and web (and app) politeness begins here.

Go to the profile of Cheryl Fuerte
Cheryl Fuerte
A full-time web geek passionate about web usability. Multiple web awards. “Creative does not have to be unintuitive, and user experience is relative.” -me