An example of an inefficient search results layout — featuring one huge search result on your screen per swipe

Looking for an app in the iOS app store - you got 5 hours?

Cheryl Fuerte
More pixels, more problems
2 min readJan 24, 2018


A few years ago Apple changed the search results layout of their App Store to let a user see ONE RESULT per page rather than multiple apps. You need to swipe 20 phone screen views up to view 20 apps based on your search results rather than see 3 to 5 at a time:

The iOS App Store Search Results screen in 2014

Now that the X series have longer screens, this lame interface became more irritating, at least to me. To search for a particular app by keyword has never been more painful than ever, by Apple’s great UX — one app at a screen.

A giant app occupying your entire screen as if you would need the entire retina space for that single app. It gets worst if you search. You won’t go past 20 results because you will just get tired swiping.

Prior to 2014, the iOS App Store search results would show several apps at a glance and you’d be able to do your app search in a few minutes, versus now where — well, you got 5 hours for that?

Apple without Steve is just never ever the same. He’d probably throw the phone while using the app store search functionality because it will require him to swipe so many times in order to see 20 app results.

Originally published at on January 24, 2018.



Cheryl Fuerte
More pixels, more problems

A full-time web geek passionate about web usability. Multiple web awards. “Creative does not have to be unintuitive, and user experience is relative.” -me