[ANNOUNCEMENT] Morpheus Labs onboards a renowned Blockchain — VeChain

Morpheus Labs Team
Morpheus Labs
Published in
3 min readOct 31, 2018

Morpheus Labs is excited to announce that we have inked a technical collaboration with VeChain that constitutes a breakthrough within the Morpheus Labs ecosystem. This significant milestone came after many rounds of study and on-boarding trials with VeChain’s CTO, Mr Gu Jianliang.

Screenshot of the “Application Library” within the Platform

Morpheus Labs, a Singapore homegrown startup aims to develop a comprehensive full-stack blockchain platform and marketplace, Morpheus Labs offers infrastructure for enterprises and developers to build and experiment their own blockchain applications effortlessly at a fraction of the cost and time. This provides a one-stop development tool, for smart contracts, back-end services, and front-end applications (Dapp).

Morpheus Labs and VeChain will work together to create comprehensive templates cover four-stack development needs: including node deployment, smart contracts, back-end SDKs and front-end applications. This is a turn-key solution and will be ready for enterprises implementation with little secondary development.

The core team members are subject matter experts in the respective fields who had the capabilities to onboard tech partners like VeChain in scaling the business towards the goal of being the quality assured service provider with easy-to-use tools to develop and deploy world-class scalable blockchain applications.

About VeChain

Starting in June 2015, VeChain aims to connect blockchain technology to the real world by providing a comprehensive governance structure, a robust economic model, and IoT integration. VeChain is the pioneers of real-world applications using public blockchain technology, with international operations in Singapore, Luxembourg, Tokyo, Shanghai, Paris, Hong Kong, and San Francisco.

VeChain’s proprietary IOT solutions and supply chain management capabilities in assets digitalization and the VeChainThor twin-token system can be made available via Morpheus Labs platform’s App Library upon integration. Morpheus Labs and VeChain are constantly in discussion to provide users with a comprehensive platform focusing on the latest technology allowing enterprises to adopt validation of use cases and rapid prototyping via the VeChainThor Blockchain.

CTO of Morpheus Labs, Mr Bruce Lu said “By onboarding the VeChainThor Blockchain we will add value and further boost confidence to the ecosystem as the platform provides the global community a competitive advantage enabling rapid prototyping and deployment of VeChainThor-powered projects and applications.”

VeChain’s CTO, Mr Gu Jianliang commented “We are glad that VeChain is adopting a progressive collaboration with a credible partner like Morpheus Labs to work alongside and shape the blockchain landscape. Personally, I believe that the Morpheus Labs platform’s one-stop development tool is a time-saving feature and will definitely ease the developers’ load on project development and deployment. This is a positive attribute where the team can place their focus on other key areas of the project.”

This partnership aims to upscale the blockchain mass adoption effortlessly in near future. Both parties have committed to further explore on other blockchain business verticals and specific details will be announced at a later stage.

Editor’s Note: #ICYMI — We had earlier on announced our partnerships with other Blockchain Partners such as NEM and QUARKCHAIN. Do check out the article here.

Written by: Willynn Ng | Vetted by: Management of Morpheus Labs & VeChain

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Morpheus Labs Team
Morpheus Labs

The Blockchain-Platform-as-a-Service (BPaaS) for prototyping, deploying and operating Dapps at minimal cost and time. | https://morpheuslabs.io