Go to Mother of the Groom
Mother of the Groom
We are an independent media organization dedicated to unconventional thought and alternative perspectives. With an unwavering commitment to storytelling, we delve into the interwoven fabric of social issues, pop culture, sports, and music.
Note from the editor

We are an independent media organization dedicated to unconventional thought and alternative perspectives. With an unwavering commitment to storytelling, we delve into the interwoven fabric of social issues, pop culture, sports, and music.

Go to the profile of Drew Hanson
Drew Hanson
University of Kansas English & Philosophy student and co-founder of Mother of the Groom, a counterculture publication.
Go to the profile of Alex Eastland
Alex Eastland
Advertising Major at the University of Georgia, staff writer for Mother of The Groom, a counter culture publication
Go to the profile of Jon Iaco
Jon Iaco
My name is Jon, I’m 19, a sophomore at the University of Maryland, and am interested in writing on ideas on Sociology, Baseball,Data, Media and Sports.