‘Alien: Resurrection’ is an Experience

Choices are made in this unnecessary sequel.

Sarah Callen
Movies & Us


Winona Ryder, Raymond Cruz, and Sigourney Weaver in Alien: Resurrection | Credit: 20th Century Studios
Winona Ryder, Raymond Cruz, and Sigourney Weaver in Alien: Resurrection | Credit: 20th Century Studios

Against all logic, we are back with more alien adventures! Capitalism, like the scientists in this movie, just doesn’t know when to quit.

In Alien: Resurrection, Ellen Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) is resurrected as a human/alien hybrid and helps a ragtag group stop aliens from invading the Earth.

I’m starting to think that anytime a film has the word Resurrection or Resurrections in the title, it’s going to be a bit of a mess. Alien: Resurrection and The Matrix Resurrections are both unnecessary fourth movies that fail to excite. These two movies are attempts to reinvigorate an iconic franchise and both fail to live up to the prior film entries. It’s only two data points, but I do think this is a valid hypothesis worth testing.

Anyway, back to Alien: Resurrection.

This film is utterly hilarious, but it’s trying not to be. I read that Joss Whedon had written this to be more of a light-hearted and campy movie, but that’s not what we got in this film. Instead, we have actors doing their best with really painfully written lines of dialogue. There were many times when I laughed out loud at just how poorly written this film is.



Sarah Callen
Movies & Us

Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story is worthy of being shared.