Should I Consult an Agent for my Canadian PR Application?

Sajith Mendis
Moving to the North
5 min readMay 8, 2020

“Should I apply through a consultant ? ” is a burning question that most of the people who apply for the Canadian PR faces. I and my spouse also had the same issue when we started the process.

“Do we know the process?”

“Will our application get rejected?”

“If we get rejected, what should we do?”

In my honest opinion, if you have a straight forward profile with a good CRS score (according to the CRS scores at the time of applying), you can apply by yourself. I have seen many people applying through consultants, even though they have good CRS scores, but I think if you follow the proper process, getting through would be easy.

If you are planning to apply for the Canadian PR, you can refer to my article which gives an in-depth idea about the application process.

The steps mentioned in the above article is what we followed to get our PR approved. This is more or less the same process a consultant would follow, in order to help process an application. The only additional point being, a consultant might have connections that might come in handy.

I would like to share my experience with the consultants, which led me to apply on my own.

Initially, before starting the process, I went to a consultant where they charged about USD 250, only to create the WES profile. For the whole process, they said it will cost around USD 4,000, this being the charge of the consultant alone, in addition to all the expenses for IELTS, WES and the Canadian Government. This got me thinking, as to why I should spend so much of money since we have a straight forward case and a good CRS score of 475. The CRS trend at the time was around 455–460.

Thereafter, I started the pre-ITA process and completed the application to get into the Express Entry pool, from which we got selected with the very first draw that we faced. After receiving the ITA, we collected all the required documents for the PR application on our own. After finalizing the documents and the application, we wanted to get a second opinion from an expert to see if our profile was complete, to make sure we haven’t overlooked anything. This was when we thought of talking to a consultant, to get them to check our profile.

Even before going through the documents, the consultant said that we would not get the PR and the application would be rejected since we do not have 3 years of working experience at the same place. According to the research that we carried out, you need only 1 year of work experience at one place, and the remaining can be split across different companies. But the consultant was quite adamant with what he said and wanted us to start the process with them, for a charge of a considerable amount.

Since we were sure about our profile and knew that we provided all the correct information, we thought of going ahead with the process. So we went through the documents again and submitted them on the 24th of August 2019.

On the 23rd January 2020, we got the golden mail 😀

My advice would be to carry out a lot of research, go through each and every site which is there to help you. There is a lot of resources out there freely available, that will help in the Canadian PR application process. Though it might take a little time for you to comprehend the process, it will be worthwhile at the end, as you would save quite a lot of money, that you can enjoy after getting to Canada 😉

I have listed some useful sites which we always looked into when applying,

The official site of the Canadian Government to get the latest updates. Every single aspect of the application is detailed here.

This is a forum where you can ask and answer questions. It’s very active, feel free to drop any questions that you have.

This is a Facebook Group where you can ask and answer questions. It’s very active, feel free to drop any questions that you have.

All the latest information regarding Canada and some useful insights.

The website that we are hosting in order to share our experiences about Canada and the application process.

So to wind up, if your profile is straight forward and you have a good CRS Score, it would definitely be possible for you to apply on your own and be successful in getting the PR approved. But of course, you will have to read up on the process and do your research.

If there is anything that is unclear or that might be problematic, or the CRS Score is a bit low, then the best way forward would be through a consultant. They will definitely guide you to increase the CRS Score and to make your PR dream come true.

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Sajith Mendis
Moving to the North

A Software Engineer with a new found passion for writing about anything other than software Engineering…