Rust and the Future of Systems Programming

Dave Herman
Mozilla Tech
Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2016

There’s been a lot of excitement and news recently about Project Quantum and Mozilla’s efforts to build the next generation of web browser technology. One of the major components of Project Quantum is leveraging the innovations of the Servo web engine and the Rust programming language, both run by vibrant open source communities and sponsored by Mozilla.

At Mozilla, we expect Rust to play a huge role in the future of Firefox, but it’s also much more than that. We believe that Rust is going to help shape the future of systems programming. So we’ve created six videos to tell the world about it, to celebrate the incredible Rust community, and to demonstrate our investment in Rust and its long-term success.

If you haven’t heard of Rust before, it’s a new systems-level programming language that is changing the way we think about programming. What makes Rust stand out from all other languages is its marriage of low-level control with uncompromising safety. And what we’ve discovered from using Rust at scale is that this combination has incredible enabling effects, empowering new programmers to dive down into the lowest levels of programming, and emboldening seasoned systems programmers to aim higher.

I’m proud to introduce the first video here to share a little bit of what Rust is about:

We’ll be releasing other videos in the coming days to highlight other groundbreaking aspects of the language, like how it radically simplifies parallelism, or what it really means to be a safe systems language.

Subscribe to this medium publication or check back over the course of the next week to see the new videos as they come out!

Update: Check out all of the Rust videos:



Dave Herman
Mozilla Tech

Co-founder of Mozilla Research. Web standardista. Author of Effective JS. Follower around of @tinycalculist as a two-person marching band.