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Puma Weekly News & Culture
Burton High School Academy of Arts Media & Entertainment
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Top Youtube type videos

  1. Product Review Videos. The purpose of product review videos is for the Youtubers to influence and help show what their opinion is on the product. The target audience for lets say a eye shadow palette, it would be for make up lovers and people who are interested in buying that product…

Most Popular content on YouTube

  1. How to videos: How to make Bubble Tea- The purpose of this show is to show viewers how to make boba at home. The target audience are boba lovers. This particular show satisfies the viewers with an ASMR type of video, which is another popular trend on YouTube. The YouTuber…


Youtube has a variety of videos and someone has made a list of the 13 most popular type of videos and I don’t agree with it. Honestly, haul videos and Q&A? Seriously? Who even watches those? …Whatever. Here’s my top 5:

  1. How-to Videos: This is, in my opinion, the most popular and…