Earnings Comparison on My First Month as a Friend of Medium

My earnings for my December’s $5 membership and January’s as a Friend of Medium.

Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication


That’s my last screenshot for January , taken before the stats get refreshed today. I became a FoM on 8 January.

Before becoming a FoM, most of my stories were lucky to make $0.50.

To see My Before-After One-Day Friend of Medium Story almost hit three digits at $97 is exhilarating for me.

That’s the screenshot taken after scrolling down that shows you how much I made in January 2024 on Medium.

As a Friend of Medium in January 2024, I made $176.

That’s up from $7 in December 2023 as a basic plan member.

In January, I started writing about FoM, joined a few publications and became active in reading, writing and responding.

Shout-out to Mr. Plan ₿ and Adrian CDTPPW at their pubs, Mr. Plan B Publication and Read or Die!

Lynn L. Alexander ‘s prompt questions make for easy writing— replying to her prompts alone have made me over $10 . Try them: The A-Z of Me and Ten Questions About You. Lynn L. Alexander is Medium’s Prompt Specialist.

All my top-earning stories have been published in Mr. Plan B Publication or in Read or Die!



Tooth Truth Roopa Vikesh
Mr. Plan ₿ Publication

I don’t just create smiles, I inspire them! Dentist, mom—Jamshedpur, India.