Don’t congratulate me on March 8th

Musings from Mars
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2017
USSR postage stamp, 50th anniversary of International Women’s Day, March, 8; 1960. [Image description: A postage stamp featuring 5 women from different races an nationalities holding hands and rising a blue flag with the word “peace” written on it in different languages. There is a white dove on the background and a factory.]

I suffer on women’s day because I look like a woman, but I am not one. People see me, a person who have breasts and wide hips and assume I am a women. I am reminded that I am seen as a women by almost everyone, and on Women’s Day I can’t escape it. This day is a major source of gender dysphoria .

I know I am not the best ally to women for saying this, but this day hurts not only because of my dysphoria. On March 8th there is a lot of talking about “Women’s Issues”. Some of those issues are also very relevant to me. It hurts that the things I struggle with and effected by are things are not actually mine. I am not a woman, so I am not allowed to talk about them as if they belong to me, even if they happen to me. I am only an ally in this battle. It hurts not to talk about my pain. I may be a bad ally because of that, but on March 8th I keep silent.

It hurts to admit that as a genderqueer I have a privilege over cis and trans women, but I do. As a genderqueer (and autistic) I tend to talk more then other women. It is not that man hear me more, but I do tend to talk more then women in mixed settings. Other women can’t/don’t talk as much (or at all) in these mixed settings. I don’t know why they can’t/don’t, but this is how things are. I am the only not-man to rise their hand and answer questions. I am the only not-man to try and say words out loud.

This is your day, trans* and cis women. I prefer to keep quiet and let you do the talking about your issues, battles and struggles. I try to shut up about these issues everyday, because these are not mine.

Women of all classes, nationalities, disabilities and colors: you are great! You deserve to get all the resources that are denied from you because of your gender/s. I will help when I can on any other day, just not today. It is too painful.



Musings from Mars

practically no one. Part time research engineer in an agricultural lab, full time disabled queer in a golden cage build out of lies.