Go to Muxu.Muxu
We are a passionate creative studio from sunny Bordeaux.
Note from the editor

Muxu Muxu is a passionate tech crew based in sunny Bordeaux

Go to the profile of Emily Fiennes
Emily Fiennes
Translation athlete and crafter of content. Full-Stack Ruby on Rails developer in-the-making (wip). Pretzel addict and proud.
Go to the profile of Luc Chaissac
Luc Chaissac
Brand designer @LatticeHQ | I’m always learning and love to help. Say hi!
Go to the profile of Audrey Labuxiere
Audrey Labuxiere
Half girl, half geek. Co-Founder and Front-End Developer @wearemuxu.
Go to the profile of Emily Fiennes
Emily Fiennes
Translation athlete and crafter of content. I’m a grammar fiend and a pretzel addict, with one foot in London, one foot in France and my head i
Go to the profile of Emily Fiennes
Emily Fiennes
Translation athlete and crafter of content. Full-Stack Ruby on Rails developer in-the-making (wip). Pretzel addict and proud.
Go to the profile of Luc Chaissac
Luc Chaissac
Brand designer @LatticeHQ | I’m always learning and love to help. Say hi!
Go to the profile of Audrey Labuxiere
Audrey Labuxiere
Half girl, half geek. Co-Founder and Front-End Developer @wearemuxu.
Go to the profile of Emily Fiennes
Emily Fiennes
Translation athlete and crafter of content. I’m a grammar fiend and a pretzel addict, with one foot in London, one foot in France and my head i
Go to the profile of Muxu.Muxu
We are a passionate creative studio from sunny Bordeaux.
Go to the profile of David Miotti
David Miotti
Passionate developer @wearemuxu enjoying life in sunny Bordeaux. I also like chess, poker and pasta.