Photo credit: Jamiel Banda

Introducing Payments via Airtel Money

Published in
Oct 18, 2020


Okay this one has been a long time coming. 😅

It’s taken a while but we finally got there.

We’re proud to announce the immediate availability of payments for music on Mvesesani using Airtel Money. 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

That’s it. That’s the post.

Just kidding.

We introduced MTN Mobile Money payments back in 2018 and have been diligently working to offer the same payments capability for music fans that are Airtel Money users.

So many Airtel Money users have reached out to let us know that they want to be able to buy music just like their MTN Mobile Money counterparts; it seemed at times that we couldn’t go a day without being told to add Airtel Money payments. It’s been such a thing that we at one point started keeping track of how many people had requested the additional payments option, then it became so frequent that we stopped counting altogether.

A snapshot of tweets in the last few months asking us for an Airtel Money payment option. There were many requests on Facebook too.

We heard your message loud and clear.

Compared to cards, MTN Mobile Money purchases make up anywhere from forty to sixty percent of of our purchases month to month; so we are very eager to see what the addition of Airtel does for sales of Zambian music. We hope that this really becomes a pivotal moment for the Zambian music industry and that the availability of payments that support the majority of Zambians means that our artists really can reach all their fans regardless of where they are or what payments product they use.

Next stop, Zamtel Kwacha.

Airtel Money, MTN Mobile Money, Visa & Mastercard all accepted!

Read more about what goes on behind the curtain @ Mvesesani here.

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