Day 4 — Let The Great Experiment Begin!

Seth Hinz
My #40DayExperiment
2 min readMay 31, 2015

The cleanse is done, it’s Friday, May 29, 2015. My clothes already fit a little better. Again, I started the morning by weighing in at 236.3.


1 Egg
1/2 piece of bread
1/2 orange

This is the type of breakfast I’ve been enjoying for a while, as I mentioned in the first entry.

I’m also allowed 2 cups of coffee per day. The hard part there is that I’ve been one of the crazed “Bulletproof Coffee” guys for a few months now and was loving it! Now I’m back to the standard french press, which still tastes good and saves me about 5 minutes in the morning of prep and clean.

Lunch — The First Hurdle

I went into work and faced my first temptation: staff lunch day. We were catered by Noodles & Company. As you may know, they make a mean paste anything with extra cheese and goodness.

In addition to the food change, there is also social pressures of “When in Rome” and “Eat like a centurion” or something similar.

I resisted. I did grab the salad that came catered. Tons of greens, even a few strawberries, which I’m allowed to enjoy.

1 plate of greens, veggies, strawberries
7.5 oz of water-packed tuna

Pretty great salad and I stayed on the plan!


3 Eggs
Spinach salad
1/2 piece of bread

It’s pretty easy at home to stick with it. I’m surprisingly full, but not that awkward, going to the pumping and pressing room full (first Wonka reference).

Here comes the weekend.

