Go to My Enemy’s Enemy
My Enemy’s Enemy
Perfection? Not our thing. We amuse ourselves with the quirks that are embarrassingly, charmingly human. We invite you to find here little reminders that it’s ok not to be perfect, it’s ok not to be busy, and that humans are full of both light and dark. More: www.ismyfriend.shop
Note from the editor

Perfection? Not our thing. We amuse ourselves with the quirks that are embarrassingly, charmingly human. We invite you to find here little reminders that it’s ok not to be perfect, it’s ok not to be busy, and that humans are full of both light and dark. More: www.ismyfriend.shop

Go to the profile of Rae Katz
Rae Katz
Essayist, ex-CEO, mom, proud inhabiter of a female body with a menstrual cycle, infertility, Hashimoto’s Disease, OCD, and that magical female strength