Sad weigh-in

How to stay on track in the face of disappointment

Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story
3 min readJan 15, 2018


This isn’t my first keto rodeo. But it feels like a rodeo non-the-less. Bumpy. Uncomfortable. Scary at times.

I am rebooting my keto story after success on keto two years ago and falling off the keto wagon. This time I am committing to stick it out for 365 days (that’s a year!). And now I’m on day 18.

Restarts have advantages and disadvantages.


  • I am familiar with the basic concepts
  • I already have the “gear” (recipes, almond flour, erythitol, etc)
  • I have confidence in the system based on past success


  • I am not sure WHY I didn’t make it work last time
  • I know that lasting results are SLOOOOWWW.
  • I feel ashamed and frustrated that I didn’t stick with it in the past. (Imagine how far I’d be if I had stuck with it two years ago when I started this! Ughhhhh. Why am I so inconsistent?)
  • I don’t have the advantage of “new thing” syndrome — where everything is fascinating and new

Here’s how I’ve done so far:

Tada. A grand total of 5.8 pounds lost in 17 days. Whoop. I guess.

Are you detecting a lack of enthusiasm? Yep. I have been psyching myself up by looking at so many great keto success stories on instagram and yeah, I wanted to lose 15 pounds in the first two weeks like so many others. But — that is not happening for me.

I know this result does not equal failure. Hey — I lost nearly six pounds! That’s freaking awesome! I’m headed in the right direction, yes?

I wish I could ignore the scale, ignore the obsessive macro tracking, and just “live” keto. But I know me. I’ve done that “free-form” version, and it’s a hot mess.

Right now, it’s early days and I need structure. I need my bullet journal. I need my daily food journal and macros. I need a weekly weigh in to measure progress, even if it’s slow.

Life is busy and has lots of complications and distractions. I was sick for two days and I stayed keto. I traveled and I stayed keto. I need to just focus on staying keto for now.

I need to look at these details to see the path I’m on right now. I need the minutiae to remind me of where I’m going. Right now, it’s easy to get lost. Right now it’s big commitment with many tiny things which show tiny results. So I measure, every week. Today.

And this is the result. It IS progress.

Cheer me on. This keto journey has just (re)begun.

Follow my journey on instagram for more details.



Mary Lucus-Flannery
My Keto Story

i love storytelling, making stuff, and learning to speak my truth.