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Mobile app strategy
Mobile app strategy
Marketing, product strategy, and business development
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3 Essential Customer Experience Metrics for Your Mobile App Marketing Campaign

According to eMarketer, the global mobile advertising market will surpass $100 billion in spending in 2016. That’s a lot of money, and if businesses are going to invest that much in their app…

5 Successful Dating Startup Stories

In our previous article on dating apps we provided an extensive guide on how to get initial user traction and keep your user base growing. Now, we will look specifically at the techniques that have been used by today’s popular mobile dating apps. Let’s say you want…

How to Get Your App Featured on the App Store

Apple’s App Store gets around 2,000 new app submissions per day. Most of these new apps start their lives in obscurity, like a needle in a haystack. Unlike a lone needle in a haystack, however, these apps are competing to be seen within a haystack…