Health Benefits of Eating Cauliflower

Two out of three Australian adults are not eating enough veg

Ashleigh EG.
My Muscle Chef
3 min readJul 5, 2017


A recent report revealed that two thirds of us don’t fit the recommended five serves of veg into each day. That’s shocking! We’re challenging you to step up your veggie game & add more garden goodness into your life. Increase your health & energy levels while decreasing your waistline, AND there’s a chance to win some great prizes too — learn more here.

Cauliflower is often thought of as a boring vegetable — after all, we’re told that brightly coloured fruit & veg are key to getting max benefits from produce. However, cauliflower is hiding some incredible vitamins and minerals in it’s watery white florets, so it’s worth giving another chance for these amazing health benefits!

Great Source of Fiber

While important for digestion and good gut health, fiber also makes you feel full. Increasing the amount of fiber you eat each day can help you reduce overall calorie intake, without the hunger pains usually associated with eating less!

Eat some cauliflower today, with My Muscle Chefs delicious cauliflower sides.

Our Cauliflower Mash is the perfect low carb, fiber filled side that’s so satisfying, you’ll forget you’re on a diet!

Try it in fan favourite meal Lamb Shepherd's Stew with Cauliflower Mash, or make dinner time a special occasion with our Special Beef W/ Chilli Peanut Sauce Cauliflower Mash.

Brain Food

Cauliflower is one of only a few foods that contain choline, a micronutrient essential for a range of processes in your body — including boosting brain health and cognitive function.

Double the brain benefits of cauliflower by pairing it with turmeric, an ancient spice gaining popularity today for the positive effect it has on health and cognitive function.

Our Tandoori Chicken with Roast Cauliflower & Green Peas combines both for a nourishing, delicious, and super healthy lunch or dinner.

Reduce Risk of Severe Health Issues

Cauliflower is part of a group of plants called cruciferous vegetables, which are believed to provide protection against some cancers, and increased vegetable intake in general is associated with lowered risk for cardiovascular disease.

Good for Liver Function & Detoxification

Compounds found in cauliflower support healthy liver function, which helps to remove waste and detoxify your body. Pair with extra fiber from green beans in our Caribbean Jerk Steak with Roast Cauliflower & Green Beans meal for a supercharged and super tasty detox meal — perfect for recovering after a hard weekend!

Great prizes for getting involved!

Share a photo telling us how you add veg to your day, and tag us on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter with #MyMuscleChallenge for the chance to win weekly prizes of My Muscle Chef swag, meals, and more!

With My Muscle Chef, eating healthy is no longer a struggle. We provide the best tasting muscle building and weight loss meals available on the market, with the convenience of home delivery. Perfect for athletes, fitness junkies, bodybuilders or anyone looking to stay in shape. Order yours today.



Ashleigh EG.
My Muscle Chef

Marketing at My Muscle Chef. Loves all kinds of movement. Happiest in nature or at the gym. Owns more activewear than is strictly necessary.