Varna…My Favorite Novel Mentioned It, So I Had To Go!

(Note: This is a republication of a blog I did for my 2018/2019 trip through Europe so some of the information may not be 100% accurate any longer.)

I know it sounds like a stupid reason to want to see a city, but as proven by my reason to visit Plovdiv I clearly have no problem making decisions on a flight of fancy. So, yes Varna made it on the must-see in Bulgaria because of a small mention in my favorite book of all time, Dracula. (Also a contributing factor to our next country to visit, but we will talk about that when we get there!)

Varna is another Black Sea coastal town and has played a key part in the history of Bulgaria through its many incarnations. As one of the major ports and the epicenter of trade with the east Varna was built on a much older city of the Thracian kingdom called Odessos.

The history, culture, and location all have come together to make Varna one of the go-to vacation spots in eastern Europe. Let’s get down to talking about things to do and accommodations…

Accommodations…Gagarin House

I looked at several options when booking my stay in Varna and the Gagarin House seemed to be the best fit. Not only was it a cheap hostel, but it was also centrally located and had decent reviews. It was easy to find from the train station and once I arrived I was not disappointed. (Except that the first night I had the dreaded top bunk and getting into these capsules is not easy. The next day I got a bottom bunk and all was put right with the world.)

Other than a mishap getting into the capsule I really enjoyed this unique hostel experience. The hostel has a kitchen and shared bathroom facilities equipped with what I like to call the Bulgarian shower. This is when the shower/bathroom is all one giant room, like a locker room in high school. In the end, it was well worth the price for the location!

Things to Do…

Like most of my stops, there was not enough time to see everything and so I prioritized things that interested me. This is one of the most important things I learned and I think really vital if you are traveling with a partner.

As a solo traveler, I am kind of already prioritizing my own wants, but it is tempting to try to do whatever everyone says is the thing you should. Fight the urge to do those “touristy” things if those are not what you are into.

Varna has a lot to keep you busy, but for me, there were only a few things that really piqued my interest, and that was, of course, the museums, history, and the sea garden (especially after the one in Burgas).

I knew the weather was not going to be on my side, so unfortunately a beach day was out of the question. I did make time to get down there though to take a peek at what I would be missing (more on that later!).

Free Walking Tour…

I think by now you know I am a huge supporter of the free walking tour. This is one of the best ways to see a city and get some interesting history not readily available. So of course one of the first things I google when I get to a new city is free walking tours. Some cities have many and others just a few( with very few not having any at all, this is a huge mistake for those cities in my opinion).

The free tour I took in Varna was your typical historical flood of knowledge. Sometimes the one thing that can make or break the tour is the tour guide's personality and my guide was informative but not too entertaining.

She focused on the info and not so much on building a relationship with the tour. In no way am I saying that is bad it just made for a more dry outing. I would still suggest it if you want to learn more about the city.

Roman Thermae….

In this region of Europe, it is not unusual to stumble on some Roman ruins, so it should not shock you by now that one of the big things to see in Varna is some of those ruins. Varna has several locations and two of them are thermae remains. Just in case you are not familiar with the term basically, a thermae is a bath placed over some hot springs.

These Roman baths were social centers and places where business was conducted during the time of the great empire. The one that I visited was the larger of the two and is a great budget stop. You pay 4 Lev, which at the time I visited was the equivalent of $2, for the ability to roam through these ancient ruins.

I suggest giving yourself no more than 30 minutes and making sure you read all the little pedestals with info to allow yourself the ability to immerse yourself in the daily life of those ancient Romans.


I think we have already established I am a huge history nerd and have never ever met a museum I didn’t love. The archaeological museum in Varna was no different. A great way to spend a rainy day and that is exactly what I did. The museum has an easily navigated interior that walks you step by step through the history of Bulgaria and the city itself.

The museum is one of the pricier things to do in Varna with a 20 Lev price tag (btw..that was $10 when I was there). The money is worth it though if you are a history nerd like me. If you are I would say allot yourself at least an hour and a half to peruse the exhibitions within these walls.

Sea Garden & Beach…

Let’s start with the sea garden. I will say that the one in Burgas was the better kept of the two and therefore the one I enjoyed the most. The sea garden of Varna was still a beautiful walk and houses many attractions like the naval museum to wander through. There are plenty of Instagramable moments and it is the access to the beaches of Varna. Take a walk through these gardens and relax like the locals. But don’t forget to find your way to the beaches.

The beaches looked amazing. The weather while I was there made it impossible for me to do anything but stroll along the sand itself, but I am sure if the weather had permitted me I would have spent quite a bit of time lying on that sand trying to get some color on this luminescent white body. So these are the things I go up to while I roamed the streets of this ancient Bulgarian city.

Well, this wraps up Varna and my Bulgarian adventure and I can’t tell you how much this beautiful country surprised and enchanted me. I can’t suggest a trip through the sunflower-filled fields of Bulgaria more than I have, unfortunately, it is time to move on and as always until the next post safe journeys…

If you guys dig the blog make sure to check out my YouTube channel and follow me on Instagram. That way you get the full 360-degree experience of my European adventure.

Written By Kim Miller (Freelance Writer and World Traveler) @penumbra1977



Kimberly Miller
My Shadow & Me: Life & Lessons of a Lost Girl

I am a creative freelancer with a passion for film and the written word.