Go to My Sweet Dumb Brain
My Sweet Dumb Brain
Navigating emotions and facing life’s ups and downs is tough work.
Note from the editor

We all have brains that are sometimes sweet and sometimes dumb, and that’s ok. My Sweet Dumb Brain is a weekly newsletter about navigating emotions and facing life’s ups and downs, all while being kind to yourself.

Go to the profile of Katie Hawkins-Gaar
Katie Hawkins-Gaar
I’m a writer and journalist. I’d be lost without gratitude.
Go to the profile of Rebecca Coates
Rebecca Coates
Vintage-wearing, baby-rearing, dog-obsessed, 30-something geek girl. Editor for My Sweet Dumb Brain. Writer on my own blogs occasionally. I'm also really tall.
Go to the profile of Kerry Graham
Kerry Graham
Kerry Graham lives, teaches, and writes in Baltimore, Maryland. Join her collaborative newsletter, InThisTogether: https://mailchi.mp/f688e7236947/pleasejoinus
Go to the profile of Lauren Maffeo
Lauren Maffeo
Tech, travel, and mental health