[2018]Announcing the final phase of the MyCrypto Beta

Daniel Ternyak
Published in
4 min readApr 18, 2018

2020 Note: This article is dated and reflects an old beta version of MyCrypto. It does not reflect the current beta.

The team at MyCrypto is beyond excited to announce the 1.0.0 Release Candidate of our brand new wallet interface and ground-up rewrite of our codebase.

Today, we’re asking for your help in evaluating this preview version of the new MyCrypto.

Our team has taken the lessons we’ve learned supporting the Ethereum community since 2015 and applied them to build the next generation of wallet services for the Ethereum and greater blockchain ecosystem. With the new MyCrypto, we’ve built a foundation that ensures the security, maintainability, and most of all, usability of our service.

As a release candidate, this release is considered stable and safe to use for your daily Ethereum interactions.

Visit beta.mycrypto.com and tweet us, open an issue, or message us on Discord with your feedback.

What’s New?

When we announced the new MyCrypto Beta in early March, we were delighted to start sharing a number of major new features with you. These new features included…

  1. Token Scanner
  2. Gas Price Slider (with gas price recommendations)
  3. Payment Requests (w/ EIP-681)
  4. Standardized Offline Views
  5. Integrated View Wallet
  6. Mnemonic Phrase Generation
  7. Equivalent Values for Ether / Tokens

The new MyCrypto Release candidate has even further polished these existing features, and we’ve taken lengths to ensure the stability of these features as well as new product additions.

More Features! 😀

Since then, we’ve made a number of major product enhancement, including partnering with Chronologic and Parity to bring you Scheduled Transactions and secure wallet interaction with the Parity Signer. The integrations with Chronologic and Parity have validated our thesis on the value of the architecture of the new MyCrypto codebase, and we welcome additional integrations with open arms. 👐

Parity Signer

The Parity Signer is a secure private key manager for your mobile devices. Instead of worrying about your Keystore file, you can use the Parity Signer to manage your private keys on your mobile devices. Parity has created an on-boarding tutorial that can help you get acquainted with this new wallet format. You can grab it for iOS and Android today.

Use the Parity Signer option on MyCrypto to turn your Android or iOS into a hardware wallet. For security, we recommend dedicating a secondary device that is kept in Airplane mode to use as your key manager.

Scheduled Transactions

The great folks at Chronologic have partnered with us to bring Scheduled Transactions to Ethereum. You can use the “Send Later” toggle to send transactions in the future based on block height or a specific time.

While this feature is still in testing, you can select Kovan on the network dropdown to get an early peek at Scheduled Transactions on MyCrypto!

Send transactions later with MyCrypto!


With Shepherd, you’ll never have to retry your transaction on another node again! Shepherd automatically directs JSON-RPC calls to the most performant node infrastructure, and will handle retrying calls against new nodes to ensure that your transaction hits the txpool reliably.

If you’re a developer and would like to integrate Shepherd into your Dapp, please review our documentation on GitHub. We’re happy to assist! 😀

If auto mode is selected, you’re using Shepherd!

Recent Transactions

MyCrypto will now keep track of all of the transactions you send through the app. After you send a transaction, it will show up in a new “Recent Transactions” tab on your account view.

Recent Transactions are kept entirely on the client, and transactions broadcasted outside of the MyCrypto interface will not be shown.


The new MyCrypto has undergone an audit from Cure53, and we are confident in the integrity of our wallet service and hosting infrastructure. If you discover a critical vulnerability while testing the new MyCrypto, please file a report following our HackerOne policy!

How You Can Help

We’re eager to hear your feedback on the new MyCrypto Release Candidate. Your thoughts will help guide the production release of our new wallet and shape the future development of our product.

Report Issues / Bugs / Unintuitive Things

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Get Involved

  • Gitcoin — keep an eye out for new bounties coming soon
  • GitHub
  • Translations! If you speak another language, we could use your help translating the UI so we can once again be truly global.

Talk To Us & Share Your Thoughts



Daniel Ternyak

Co-Founder of Onedesk, commercial cleaning for the 21st century (www.getonedesk.com).