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A Strong Statement of Intent from EU on Online Privacy

Here’s some powerful stuff from Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for online privacy.

It’s worth reading the whole speech, but here are some highlights:

The mydata initiative

We’re delighted to see the Cabinet Office announcement mydata initiative, and to be part of the consortia moving things forward. And well done to the coalition government for delivering on the pledges made back here.

ICO and Justice Minister: right problem, wrong solution

The UK Information Commissioner says 80% of the population is now concerned about protecting their personal information online… Publishing new research to coincide with European Data Protection Day, Chris Graham and Justice Minister…

Facebook Messaging and ‘lock-in’

Facebook’s new Messaging service provides a neat summary of where we’ve got to so far on the online journey…

In one way, Facebook Messaging is a good step forward. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg explained the thinking behind it like this: