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Your go-to place to learn more Ethereum and Blockchain. We write articles about Ethereum and regularly hold meetups to let the mass public know more about this revolutionary technology. 香港以太坊學會是你進入以太坊世界的入門地方。通過發佈文章及定期舉辦見面活動,我們致力讓大眾更了解以太坊和區域鏈技術。
Note from the editor

Welcome to MyEthAcademy! 歡迎來到香港以太坊學會﹗除了在 Medium,我們也有 Telegram 群組: https://t.me/joinchat/BwFMIUI1oAzUzfG3UYpasg

Go to the profile of 以太郎 Etheron
以太郎 Etheron
分享以太坊&以太幣最新資訊!Sharing most current happenings in the Ethereum network.