Everyone is crazy about Freckles!

Marissa Dickens
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2024

Lately, a new trend is depopulating among social media: creating fake freckles on the nose and cheeks with pencils, eyeliner or specific products to create small dark spots on the skin, imitating the appearance of natural freckles. For those born with freckles, embracing this trend is simple: they just need to let their skin stay natural! But what are freckles? Why do some people have them and others do not? Let’s find out together what they are, and also how to take care of them.

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What are the freckles?

Freckles are small spots of the skin that vary in size and color (from yellow to brown). They represent a defined cutaneous dyschromia of hyperchromic type, which is an alteration of the skin color due to the accumulation of pigment. They appear as round and flat spots, either as a single spot or, more often, as a group of small spots. Specifically, they are melanocytic lesions due to the accumulation of melanin. Because to this increased production of melanin, people who have freckles should be more careful in the sun because they are more likely to develop skin tumors.

Freckles usually appear mostly on the skin of the face, but they can also appear on the shoulders, back and arms, or be distributed throughout the body. They should not be considered as a skin pathology and as a result are not a cause of any kind of ailment. However, excessive exposure to UV rays may cause them to undergo morphological changes, such as increased size and number of contours and irregularities. For these reasons, people predisposed to freckles, that is, those who have a low phototype with complexion and light hair, must pay special attention to exposure to the sun and therefore must protect the skin with adequate sunscreen.

The predisposition to the appearance of freckles is genetic and depends, in particular, on the presence of a genetic variant of the MC1R receptor of melanocortin-1. The MC1R gene is why some people have freckles and it is the same gene that determines red hair. This is why people with red hair are more likely to have and develop freckles, because they often also have lighter skin.

How to take care of them

Freckles do not require specific treatment or care because they are not a pathology. However, it is essential to take preventive measures to avoid further damage. Here are some useful tips to prevent freckles from increasing:

Constantly protect the skin from sun exposure by using SPF creams with 50 protection and try to avoid exposure to the sun in the hottest hours of the day. It is advisable to use sunscreen even in winter during sunny days.

Wear wide-brimmed hats and protective clothing on hot days to protect your skin from UV rays.

Always apply a moisturizer after sun exposure to keep your skin smooth and supple.

• Use treatments to reduce hyperpigmentation.

Avoid tanning lamps because exposure to artificial UV rays can damage the skin, increase the risk of developingfreckles, and change its appearance.

Are Freckles and Ephelids the same thing?

No, they are two different skin manifestations, both in terms of their origin and their manifestation. Let’s see them in detail:

1. Ephelides: These are small spots caused by exposure to the sun’s ultraviolet rays, which stimulate the production of melanin in the skin. They tend to discolor or disappear during the winter months when there is less exposure to the sun.

2. Freckles: They are also small spots, but they are congenital, so they are present on the skin from birth or develop over life.


It’s incredible to think that many people would do anything to get freckles, while those who have them would do anything to get rid of them. Today, however, it does not seem so anymore: freckles have become a must-have accessory, as they can give a unique and special look to your face. If you don’t have them, go crazy and draw them where you like. If you have them, you’re lucky… but don’t forget to take care of them!

