How to avoid winter skin: flaking and dryness

Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2024

I have a dearest friend who had the most cracked lips I ever seen in my entire life that he could (his lips mostly) predicted the next weeks tempreature and it will always be true somehow. Today I am hoping to help him and people who are suffering in the winter with those weathers!!

The first warning I will be giving is do not dry your body or your face compeletly. Wether it is a towel, or paper drying it compeletly and not letting your skin absorbed water it needed will create more dryness of certain areas which in future could be lead to flaking as well.

Exfoliating frequently is the best part to avoid dead skin cells to collect and sit into your skin. It will help the moisterizers better and keeps your skin’s moist better too. Trying to find a good exfoliater could be harsh because your face has a thin and more sensitive layers; so maybe rather then choosing a chemical one you can simply invest in a loofah and exfoliate gently every two weeks.

This one could be curicial for my people of hot shower lovers :(((


The steam and hot water sucks more oils from the skin and take the moister away. At least try to take them not too long.

I will say these in every post i write about skincare CONSISTENCY and DIET!!
If you stick to your skin-care routine it will prevent dryness, external acne causes, aging and many more you can think of. After finding the perfect skin-catre routine for your own skintype the most important step is always your bodily health. (Health is always important!!!)

For example excessive alcohol use could lead to premature aging and even sagging, oily foods could cause break outs, sunbeds could lead to sun spots goes along with aging once again. SO taking care of your physical health is so much more important then anything else, even with your skin and mental health too.

Mostly lack of hyderation in body could easily be spotted on the dry lips, which in winter is not hard to ge across. So you can basically listen and see your body and how it reacts in winter for your dietary purposes. BUT always try to stay hydrated maybe adding a lemon, some apples, mint could help your drinking habits too!!

Now since we know the basics, I will go ahead and say prepare your winter skin-care prodcuts and start to use them earlier rather than on time. This will help the skin to get ready for what is about to come and prevent too much dryness from the start.

If you think you have more then what it seems dryness you might want to see a professional for atopic eczama.

Use an oinment rather than lotion, and try to invest in a fragrance-free cleanser. I explained before to make coconut oil so if you want (and in my opnion you should want :d) you can check it out on here.

And the most important thing is as always sun-screen!!!!!

It doesn’t matter if it is winter or summer try to apply sunscreen everyday and make it a constant habit of your morning routine. Investing in a stick sun-screen could be beneficial if you wear makeup or/and feel like your hands are too dirty outside.

For my last tip I would say buy a humidifier. The air at our houses could go too harsh too easily, maybe even before investing in a humidifier if you can check I would highly suggest your houses heating system’s humidifier working or not. Some heating system could include it but more older ones could not so checking it out will do good for you.

I hope all this tips would help my dear friend and all other lovely people who is dealing with dry skin!!


Hoping for the clearest skin…

