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The changing game of fleet management: say hello to the new mobility manager!
The changing game of fleet management: say hello to the new mobility manager!
The world of transport is developing quickly, and fleet management is changing with it. To meet shifting company and employee preferences…
Magali De Reu
Apr 24, 2020
Here’s everything you need to know about the mobility budget
Here’s everything you need to know about the mobility budget
On April 2 & 9 we hosted our mobility budget webinar, with over 200 participants! Couldn’t make it? No worries, here’s a recap.
Carolina Sanchez
Apr 15, 2020
Top 10 tools to make lockdown life a little easier
Top 10 tools to make lockdown life a little easier
We’ve all been locked down for a few weeks now, and we’re relying on technology more than ever to keep our lives and businesses running.
Carolina Sanchez
Apr 8, 2020
What’s the new mobility budget all about & how can your company benefit?
What’s the new mobility budget all about & how can your company benefit?
Belgium is pioneering sustainable mobility with last year’s approved mobility budget. Find out more about this innovative legislation!
Carolina Sanchez
Apr 1, 2020
Coronavirus & mobility: how can you still get around if you really really (really!) have to?
Coronavirus & mobility: how can you still get around if you really really (really!) have to?
The coronavirus has the entire world in its grip, and Belgium is no exception. Public life has been shut down almost completely, and the…
Mar 20, 2020
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